| | Water Fasting

HELP NEEDED - 4 Months 18/6 (sometimes 16/8) IF, CICO, Modest Exercise - net gain of 2 lbs!

Insulin Resistant (although IF has brought down fasting insulin by over 15 points). Autoimmune condition.

First 6 months of IF lost 25 pounds (SW: 250, CW: 225, GW:160). Stalled out.

Last 4 months of IF have maintained 18/6 most days (sometimes slipping 16/8). No added sugars. Watching carbohydrates, protein, and fats very carefully (generally low carb). No processed garbage. Gluten free (due to health reasons, not by choice) - but no starchy processed foods. Mostly cooking food at home with little oil, no sugar, lots of vegetables and thoughtful proteins (chicken, fish, turkey, eggs). Only dairy comes in the form of sheeps milk feta (in order to avoid pro-inflammatory dairy issues).

Watching calorie intake and portion sizes. Added modest exercise in the form of 3-4 hours of dedicated walking every day (bought an at home treadmill desk). Gained back 2 pounds.

Any advice would be appreciated!

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I read this evening about making sure to follow a ‘clean fast’ from Gin Stephen’s Fast Feast Repeat. Basically anything that has a flavour or sweetener of any kind (even toothpaste) induces an insulin response. Maybe double check what you ingest during the fast?

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