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First Fast Complete - Advice for Next Fast

Hi all,

I just completed my first fast, lasting 33 hours. I am fasting for weight loss and overall health benefit. The first day was filled with cravings but I held strong and eventually slept it off. When I woke up, though, I got a muscle cramp in my calf and felt dizzy when I stood up. I drank some water and ate some mixed nuts which broke my fast, but I felt much better.

How do you deal with electrolyte deficiencies during sleep? I supplemented electrolytes the day before and felt fine. It was just when I woke up the next morning that I did not feel well.

Stats: 25M, 5’10”, 220 lbs

Electrolyte intake: 4.4g sodium, 2.6g potassium, 400mg magnesium

Do I simply need to start slow and work my way up? I am also thinking I should increase my potassium intake.

Any tips are appreciated! Thanks!

Edit: Looks like it was probably dehydration. Thanks for the help and suggestions for next time, everyone!

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Electrolytes are really not even necessary the first 48 hrs, you definitely didn’t have an electrolyte deficiency from a night’s sleep, that’s just silly. If that was a thing, it would be a thing even if you were eating… you’re always fasting when you’re asleep.

A cramp could be caused by a lot of things but I’d start with water.


Your body doesn’t only react to the level of lytes in your system, but also to sudden changes. It’s completely plausible that water was shifting while you slept, you went pee, and awoke with symptoms. Maybe next time, try putting a bit of salt, and/or nusalt, under your tongue and see if that helps. If it doesn’t, then absolutely break your fast.

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Categories: fasting for weight loss muscle sleep electrolytes morning sodium potassium magnesium tips deficiency