| | Water Fasting

First Post! M22 SW: 240 GW:197

Im starting to fast now in preperation for the birth of my second kid. I had always been a heavier guy since childhood. I lost around 90lbs to join the military at 18 and have yo-yo’d alot usually between 200 to 230. I had put off posting for a while but I hope that posting will help me keep the weight off once I reach my GW.

BREAKING FAST -I have done rolling fasts in the past no longer than 7 days. I usually try to break fast with Yogurt and kean protein, sometimes a protein shake. If you guys have any tips for breaking let me know!

EXERCISE - Does anyone have any tips for excerciseing and maintaining muscle mass?

Im planning on posting every week. I love the energy in this group!

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Welcome! And congratulations. Good for you for wanting to be healthy for your kid.

R/bodyweightfitness is a good place to start for strength training.

Stay away from steady state cardio like long distance running and treadmills. It strips muscle (my experience, confirmed by a few studies). Do your own research on that, but while you’re doing that, please do a web search on “chronic cardio”.

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