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Gonna attempt 420 days streak of water fasting


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Reality check: You are about to do something extremely dangerous without a plan and without adequate knowledge. If you are only at the point of asking internet strangers “what do I need” then you are unprepared for this. I’d say that if you were planning on only fasting for a month or two, but you are planning on fasting for longer than anybody in known history, so I think that you probably should learn a little bit more about this topic. You absolutely need more than just electrolytes. You need a well thought out, individually customized supplementation plan that is updated regularly based on your vitals.

You absolutely need medical supervision, and I would recommend getting it from the beginning so that you don’t end up on day 30 vitamin and mineral deficient. They would also want to track changes in your body from the beginning so that they can adjust your supplementation plan as you go along. I’d be very surprised if you can find a doctor who is willing to go along with this, but if you can then I’m very interested in how it goes. Good luck.


I know you like pot a lot, but the number 420 doesn’t have any actual significance or mystical powers. It’s a stupid reason to pick for how long you want to fast - try going 420 days without pot first.


I think you should attempt it so long as you’re doing it with medical supervision from a doctor.

You should also document it and post the results here, I think you would get a lot of support and provide a lot of inspiration for others.

But without a doctor’s help you’re being a complete idiot and you will 100% fail and possibly kill yourself.


I strongly recommend you fast for 3 days, then later a week, then later 2 weeks, onward. Just because it seems like a great idea to lose fat does not mean that your existing body has the nutrient stores to make this a healthy or safe thing. And you definitely shouldn’t be fasting more than 3 weeks without close medical supervision. Sorry not done nagging: also people often DIE on refeed if they’ve been unfed for long periods so please be extremely wary about doing that right. OK, not your mother I know, I’m done.


Is it worth doing permanent damage to your body? Get a doctor ASAP. Is it worth bone loss that will leave you brittle in old age? Please read up on the previous fast holder and his early death. You may break the record, but you probably will sacrifice a long life. You have so much more to live for.

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Categories: water fasting electrolytes vitamin mineral to fast