I might do another post regarding my experience, but I currently have a question. My initial refeeding plan was changed a little bit and I had some grapes. I'm not really concerned about my body's reaction to it, but someone commented...
I just noticed grapes have fat content. Where is the fat coming from?
I’m newer to body building and I’ve been taking protein powder with milk during/after my workouts for extra protein. The only problem is it taste terrible and I’ve tried water which tasted even worse and it’s hard for me to...
Seedless grapes of the "victoria" variety and it's almost like a grape candy, it's so sweet. New Mango varieties had no fiber at all, extremely smooth and extremely sweet. What would be the impacts of a diet rich...
So today I posted about a herbal drink that I wanted to drink for my throat. I later on slept and wokeup and thought of drinking it a while back since everyone said to go ahead. So i’m almost 25...
Does anyone know or have experience with dry fasting getting rid of a giant cell tumor. It is in my hand and not likely cancerous per the surgeon who wants to schedule a surgery to remove it. I...
As the title says, I want some Intel on what would happen if I soft dry fasted but ate food intermittently every 16 to 24 hour days, I definitely feel the thirst
I’m doing mostly omad and I notice sometime the day after I eat I feel amazing. Lots of energy and clear thoughts. Usually fasting gives me a bit of that anyway but there’s some days where it feels like a...
Glucose, sugar, natural cane sugar, table condiment, carbohydrate, what's the difference? Is sugar collectively known as just sugar, or is there individual properties depending on which kind of sugar you're referring to? ​ I grew up with the mindset that all sugar...
I’ve only tried the Passion Fruit so far and it’s awful. I don’t wanna get another one without some recommendations now lol.
Hey guys! So yesterday I discovered dipping granola in nut butter, almond butter, is amazing. Unfortunately pretty high cal. Anyone have good food swaps for the granola to dip in almond butter? Open to anything BUT bonus if it’s similar...
Are you starting a new fast this week? We'll be posting this thread every Sunday, at the beginning of every calendar week, so you can check in and tell us about your plans for a fasting this week!
Which health benefits do you gain from your choices?
Please write a certain variety like (potatoes) instead of writing a general group like (Vegetables) Mine are: 1- Flaxseeds 2- Sesame seeds 3- Sweet potatoes 4- Avocados 5- Walnuts
I’m going to the field for 8 days and really want to stay as far away from MRE’s and highly processed foods as I can. What vegetables/fruits can I bring with me to snack on? Any advice or suggestions would help!
As the title states, I’m planning to return to fasting, but I’m concerned with how it’ll affect me while working and going to the gym. I fell off due to an injury which sidelined me from the gym for 4...
Any suggestions?
This week I've done two 36 hour fasts. Monday and Wednesday of this week. I was in such a good mood on Monday and Wednesday even though I was hungry, and I was super productive as well. When I ate...
Hello! I have a question regarding dried fruits. What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating dried fruits? In case there are some specific dried fruits that are even recoomended to consume, let me know. Thank you.
I often hear people say that one barrier to eating healthier is that fruits and vegetables are so expensive. I'm wondering specifically what they mean by this because I've always found produce to be generally cheap? Obviously buy fruits and...
I have being doing IF for about 3 months now and I have lost about 6 kg (Christmas didn't help with loosing weight) and I'm loving it so far, I also exercise and I feel a lot healthier. However,...
Sugar, chocolate, cakes and cookies, ice cream and sugary fruits like grapes, bananas and water melon. I got rid of fast foods without much effort. Had developed a bad habit of snacking before going to bed, got rid of it...
I’m starting a weight loss journey and trying to sort out my calorie intake. For the most part I have a pretty solid meal plan, with high protein and high fibre, my only question is, are Bran Flakes good? I’m trying...
Hello! I know nothing about nutrition so I apologize if this question is incredibly stupid, but I'm curious. In ATLA, Aang is studying with a guru who feeds him only onions and bananas and says it's a balanced diet to...
I am doing my first dryfast in years, just 48 hours to get the feel for it again. Should i avoid certain foods for refeed or doesnt it really matter when my fast is only 2 days? I was thinking...
I do not care if the way is unhealthy somebody please tell me what to do. I am 5”1 And 140 pounds and i want to be the normal weight.
I am currently doing traditional prolonged water fasts and I want to challenge myself starting next month. [More ways to show my body I am in charge.] How much water should I drink right before going into it? How much...
I recently bought some delicious blueberries, so when I saw they were on sale I overloaded with them. Yummy. Got home and there not bad, but soft. I prefer them with a firm crunch, anyway there not going to really...
Started OMAD a week ago. I have one large meal of 1500 calories max in the afternoon (at around 2 PM). Otherwise, I’m used to IF 18:6 regimen but fell off the wagon during Christmas holidays and gained 5 lbs...
Does it matter because after some period of dry fasting - you are really nutritionally starving (your cells) and the food intake will be used to build new cells ettc. Therefor if you give the body low quality or...
Molecularly speaking, they are the same. The foods like carrots, beets, sweet potatoes, squash, peas contain "Natural" sucrose in them (fructose+glucose) are the health outcomes the same or the sugar in isolation is more harmful? And is sucrose in...
I'm on Day 2 of the 14:10 Fasting. I do want to go to 16:8 eventually but I wanted to ease into it and make it work with my work schedule. I work 8.5 hours a day (30...
I´ve been dry fasting for 36 hours and then I continued 72 more hours of water fasting. The first and the last day were the hardest. My question is, is it normal that I have crazy cravings for sugar after...
I started IF a week ago. How often do you check your weight? I’m thinking I’ll check next week after 2 full weeks. I don’t want to focus too much on the weight, but rather staying disciplined. At the same...
TL;DR asking for thoughts/experiences with low carb OMAD and alternate day fasting? I (25/F) have put on weight over the past 3 years and can’t seem to take it off like I did when I was a teenager. I was hit...
I just get derailed so easy. I fast 23:1 most days and just overeat and binge on shit foods. I’ve done a few 3 and 4 days fasts this year but damn I feel out of control. Any tips or...
* **Type** of fast (water, juice, smoking, etc.) * **Context** of fast (start, end, day x of y, etc.) * **Length** of fast (8 hours, 3 days, etc.) * **Why?** What you hope to accomplish with your fast * **Notes** How is it going...
It’s something my Indian dad always says, but I sort of assumed it was BS. My dad also says that fruits should always be eaten before a meal instead of after.
1) Why some nutrion guidelines recommdend eating meals high in protein and fiber whilst other recommend meals high in protein and fat? I know that protein is the most satieting macronutrient , is it fat more satiting than carbohidrates...
So I just picked up a new job as a driver for a distribution company, and I wanted to know any tips or idea of what I can bring as a proper lunch that’s nutritious but also won’t spoil. Just...
I am trying to alternate-day fasting and I have a family I need to cook for, my kids and my husband. It is not always possible to just leave and distract myself. Does anyone have any tips for resisting food...
What do you snack on when you feel hungry but don’t want to eat an actual meal? (Something that’s easy to prepare or ready to eat) Must be healthty! Mine: pistachios
Share your answer
I’ve been reading about this, and changing my cooking habits. Read all about it [ mTOR, glycotoxins and the parallel universe](https://www.aging-us.com/article/101720/text) Basically, I’m pretty impressed by steaming various foods, especially delicate fish. Would love your ideas about your cooking methods
I'm trying to find important nutrients that are non traditional like nitric oxide and CLA that have great health benefits. Thanks to anyone who decides to comment and help the cause. P.S if anyone has a link to a list...
Hi everyone! Two questions that, unfortunately, Google, YouTube searches or Reddit just couldn't answer for me. So I just recently learned about rolling 72' by stumbling across one of the youtube videos of this guy named Jerome from the Finally...
Personally, i’m just not the biggest fan of most fruits. Am i missing out on much?
* **Type** of fast (water, juice, smoking, etc.) * **Context** of fast (start, end, day x of y, etc.) * **Length** of fast (8 hours, 3 days, etc.) * **Why?** What you hope to accomplish with your fast * **Notes** How is it going...
Apologies in advance for the low quality post. Roughly 18 months ago I weighed 180lbs. I was Trying to lose 10lbs so I turned to Fasting/IF/Omad and high amounts of cardio and HIIT while being on a low carb/calorie diet...
everything i've read or watched about ACV seems to always add a disclaimer that there are very few studies on the benefits of ACV therefore any medicinal claims shouldn't be taken as gospel. of course there are the people that...
According to dr eric berg on youtube, he claimed that dried fruits have added sugar and syrup to them. I bought medjool dates, the king of dates and thought it was gonna be healthy for me.. By sugar I mean white...
I have been trying to limit carbs and cut out unhealthy snacks. I am doing 15 9 with 9 hour window but am curious when others eat more carbs or reduce carbs, if at all?
I am male 175cm 5'9" tall weighing 88Kg 194lbs. Last year, I was 93Kg and went down to 89Kg within a couple of months. Since I posted some photos here, I fell off the wagon and stuck at 88Kg. I am having...
As far as i know fatfree greek yogurt contains a bit less calcium. Are there any other differences (besides calories) in greek yogurt wit 0%/10%/20% fat?
Are there downsides to filling your 5 a day with fruit only and not eating vegetables?
A lot of us need serious nutrition advice: We all know that we should raise our own food, make our own bread, etc. and that processed food is bad for us. But in the real world, if you're working and...
How is fruit which contains natural sugar any different than candy/artificial sugar? Does the body process it differently?
Some of mine- Non-fat plain greek yogurt substituted for sour cream (Mexican food and onion dip) Quest brand chips for Doritos Glass noodles in Asian noodle dishes Cottage cheese for ricotta in lasagna
Hey, has anyone tried Noom or Bodyfast? I’m usually not one for apps, but I’ve found using an app has helped me quit booze and nicotine, so I’m down to try a diet app. Has anyone used/using an app and...
Title speaks for itself i reckon :p personally i just feel as though getting 2L of water in a day for me is becoming an obsession. Is it really necessary? Is it just enough to drink whenever we feel thirst?...
Looking for tips/feedback on my recipe! I've done multi-day and alternate-day fasting in the past, but those have never been long enough fasts to warrant that I replenish my electrolytes, so this snake juice bit is new to me. It's day 3...
Is there a specific calorie level at which a snack should no longer be considered a snack and might as well just count as another meal?
I am 16 and brought this question up to my fitness teacher, thought he didn’t really answer my question. I am not saying the best for weight loss I want to know what the best possible meals. Like diets or...
One of the biggest benefits to dry fasting is that it prevents loose skin. At least, I know that extended dry fasts do. I'm unsure if doing rolling 48 or 72 hour dry fasts continuously throughout the year will be...
Caffeine doesn't do the trick to me and i always feel tired even if i sleep enough. Edit: thanks everyone for your advice!! Im going to look into some of the things you recommended.
I looked up too much discussions about low or moderate fat subjects, but can't find any scientifical explanation about essential fat acids. Are they usable from body fat or must we take fat daily? I need an explanation about fat...
I have been reading a lot of about this and everyone has a different opinion. Which of the following oils should be avoided and/or not heated: soybean oil sunflower oil safflower oil avocado oil canola oil vegetable oil olive oil ​ Thanks. I'm trying to be super careful about...
Hi all, I'm an anthropologist looking at how people eat well (and what that means to them!). I'm also an avid follower of r/nutrition and curious for my own and my family's health. Was wondering what you'd suggest as a healthy,...
The holidays are rough for me personally. From around Thanksgiving to the New Year it seems a constant barrage of cookies and cakes and big meals and get togethers. I tried to keep up my fasting. I really did. But...
I love dates. They are so uniquely sweet, soft and chewy, with a candy bar-like texture! What other healthy foods would you consider luxurious?
I don’t understand how it is possible to meet the 18 mg per day requirement for iron for pre-menopausal women. I would love examples of daily foods you all eat that fulfill this without eating multiple hamburgers a day. I’d also...
As long as the fat is healthy it’s fine that it isn’t a low calorie choice
I know this sounds very silly and far fetched but i wanna know are vegetables actually toxic ? Most of the animal based / carnivore community argue that fiber is a lie and that we don’t need vegetables since they’re...
Imagine a scenario where all my nutrition is met for the day with all micro and macro nutrients being fulfilled. I’m at a healthy body fat level, and need more calories to reach my caloric maintenance for the day. Is...
I graduated with a B.S. in Nutrition (with an emphasis on Culinary Arts) in 2013. In our Whole Foods Nutrition courses we were taught about cooking oils and what ones to use when. We were told that you should not...
What would you incorporate into your daily diet to consistently get between 30-40g of fiber per day? I was surprised to see things like salad greens really don’t have that much. Other things I considered to be high fiber, like oats,...
Suppose you had to make a meal plan for someone **extremely** lazy, who wanted a diet that kept them at a nice, healthy weight while requiring only the bare minimum amount of effort. Assume they don't care about taste or...
* **Type** of fast (water, juice, smoking, etc.) * **Context** of fast (start, end, day x of y, etc.) * **Length** of fast (8 hours, 3 days, etc.) * **Why?** What you hope to accomplish with your fast * **Notes** How is it going...
I started intermittent fasting about a month ago, but I’m really struggling with a medicine I need to take at night with food. It makes me REALLY sleepy but despite that I switched to taking it at 5pm when my...
Welcome to the weekly [r/Nutrition](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nutrition/) feature post for questions related to your personal diet and circumstances. Wondering if you are eating too much of something, not enough of something, or if what you regularly eat has the nutritional content you...
* **Type** of fast (water, juice, smoking, etc.) * **Context** of fast (start, end, day x of y, etc.) * **Length** of fast (8 hours, 3 days, etc.) * **Why?** What you hope to accomplish with your fast * **Notes** How is it going...
Specially specifics like oxalate free diet or seed cycling, etc. Not the typical “I stopped eating dairy or sugar”
EDIT: Alrighty, everyone, that's a wrap! Thanks so much for the excellent questions. If you have more questions, check out the Fasting FAQ at my website, https://www.stevehendricks.org/fasting-faq, which has about 10,000 words of answers to the most common questions I...
Asking for advice from you good people on meals. (81 year old male, good health, active, BMI 25.7). I've been doing 18/6 for about a year now and am comfortable with it. Trying to eat for my microbiome...
I keep seeing so many things “this oils no good you have to use this one” for a while I thought avocado oil was the go to and then I thought it was grape seed oil? Now I’m not to...
Does anyone think the small little amount of grape juice for taking communion and a tiny cracker breaks your fast? If so, then my Sundays will just have to be my cheat days.
Just ended my 89h fast. Lost about 10lb started eating slowly during the day. And just spent time enjoing cooking keto, low carb steak dinner, with some fermented grapes on the side. The euforic experience of food again was...
#INTRODUCTION Hello there! I am a faster, although infrequent, I am *slightly* experienced. My experience may be a little different then yours as I have **anhedonia**. I have done **plenty** of water fasts before and I usually always start them...