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How to not binge eat at night?

I’ve been trying intermittent fasting on and off for a couple of years. It helped me a lot in the past. I’m now a mum and at my highest weight. Also a bulimic but really desperate to stop.

I always start my day with a coffee and a bit of milk (I just can’t seem to cut it out). Won’t eat till 1. Will have a good, healthy meal. Then might have a snack a few hours after. Then 7-8pm hits and I have dinner. I ALWAYS end up overeating and purging that. Then it’s binge mode like crazy, cycle of binging and purging until the last binge at like 10-11 where I’m too exhausted to purge and basically back to where I started. I want to stop eating at 9 but it’s like my mind goes insane and I can’t focus. I used to be able to do IF. It was the healthiest method of weight loss I partook in.
I want to be healthy and have two meals a day, maybe a snack in between. Eating window 1-9pm. I need advice!
Ps. Yes I’m seeking therapy pls dont suggest that sorry!!

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This is about discipline more than anything else. Only you can help you in this situation. Therapy can do good things so hopefully you’ll discover what’s stopping you from achieving your goals. Best of luck!


I would agree that purging is not something we as a community are qualified to comment on. It’s a more more serious health problem than a bit of extra weight, and I would not want to give you advice that could do harm. With any disordered eating, adding a new layer on top of an existing problem may do more harm than good.


Have you tried to feel fuller by consuming things with no calories? There’s water, of course, but you could also try something like chamomile tea. It is mildly sweet, so it feels like a treat, and it helps you sleep.


DISTRACTIONS!! When I’m home I’d binge eat because I was bored and I wanted to watch a good show. I had a very successful day yesterday by working until 3 pm had my last meal at 7:30 then I went and had some fun with friends and went home at 12:30 tired. Went from 194-190 since yesterday (water weight) but can still make progress


We are the same!! Here is what really helps me. I have been going strong for over a month now and feel really proud of myself.

  1. No alcohol! It lowers your inhibitions and makes it easy to ignore your goals.
  2. Explore your interests and find an engrossing hobby. I have delved back into arts and crafts and am finding it extremely enjoyable and relaxing.
  3. A yummy herbal tea. Keep trying until you find one you really like. It is out there I promise!! I personally love lemon ginger.
  4. Start going for a short walk after dinner. It is the single that eating is done for the day and if you are anything like me, I feel super gross during a brisk walk if I have overeaten.
  5. Remind yourself that you are in charge and that you can do it! Visualize your progress and your goals every day.

EditI am not commenting on the binging/purging aspect since you said you are already in therapy. Their advice will be safer than anything I can offer!


I’m being serious when I say – try some cannabis. People think of weed = munchies but it actually can have some anti-hunger effects, in addition to the more obvious calming and tranquilizing effects. You can consume it in the early evening (discreetly if needed, if the kids are awake, such as a vape pen or capsule or edible), and then it will be in effect by the time you put the kids down and the urge to binge usually hits. I mean, at the worst, if it gives you the munchies, you already were having them anyways each night.


I think like admirer comment said you would give IF a break until you’re in a better place with therapy. I’m not saying IF is terrible but I feel like it’s probably playing into your eating disorder in some way


Stop IF for a month. Start following your circadian rhythm, meaning 3 meals a day, no snacks in between. No counting calorie. Focus on vegetable, fish, meats and coconut products. Add coconut fat daily. No wheat, dairy or sugar. Pinch of honey won’t do harm. That will reset your liver for a start. Basically this is epi paleo. The liver is sensitive if your are not eating in a fixed window. After 1 month, build to 2 meals a day and your good to go. I am now in 2nd month and don’t feel hungry at all in between. Next month I m cutting back from 3 to 2 meals in parts.

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Categories: binge intermittent fasting coffee snack dinner binging weight loss eating window disorder calories tea sleep alcohol evening eating disorder fish meat sugar liver