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I can’t fast beyond 36 hours without major symptoms. Looking for advice.

37/F 5’2” cw: 133lbs gw: 120lbs

I have been on a 17:7 fasting schedule for almost a year. When I try to extend beyond that I hit a wall. I can do a full day of fasting no problem, but when I wake in the morning at around 36 hours in I have a major headache and I’m nauseous to the point of sometimes vomiting. I supplement with electrolytes as soon as I wake up, but my symptoms don’t go away until I break fast.

I’m not looking to fast for an extreme amount of time or anything, but would love to be able to fast for 3-4 days. Any advice welcome.

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My advice is that perhaps extended fasting isn’t for you. I would also tell you that not being able to fast for extended periods is not a personal failing on your part. Fasting isn’t a one size fits all type of thing, and paying attention to what your body is telling you is important.


Same thing happens to me. I just vomit the second I have my meal.

Your body is telling you it is rejecting longer fasts. Do fasts that your body is okay with. Your results won’t be the same, but you’ll get there safely!


Simple solution.

time beginning of fast so your bedtime is the 36 hour mark. You will wake up at the 42 hor mark and find out it was just psychologically caused.

ex. bedtime is 9 pm, so your last meal should be breakfast at 9 am the day prior.


When I reached a healthy bmi like you are, I found fasting to be a terrible experience. Now that I’m fat, it’s pretty easy! Try a multivitamin, and 60oz of water on fasting days. Get your electrolytes nice and high on the fasting day. If you absolutely insist on pushing past the warning signs, just lay in bed after 36 hours until you hit your goal. Wouldn’t recommend if your body is telling you otherwise, but that’s how I power through


Headache and nauseous does sound like electrolytes, but you might want to do some testing. See where your electrolytes normally are. If you’re normally low, you might need to bring it up normally.

Maybe also check your gut health? You could possibly try some probiotics for a bit and see if that makes any change.

And, as someone else said,low-carb makes fasting a lot easier.


Extended fasting doesn’t work for me. I’m a thin and active person, and I get low blood sugar quite bad and feel like garbage. So I still to 24 hour fasts, and even then it’s only once per month. Other than that, I do three meals a day. Each meal I try to have fruits/veg and 15-20g of protein. It’s what works for me. I feel healthy and happy. :)


I’ve found that if I hit a wall early into my fast it’s because I’m low on some nutrient. You need to make sure you’re eating pretty healthy so you don’t go in already depleted. Fasting is great for health but you need to be on top of everything else too.

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