Yesterday I started waterfasting. When waking up this morning (on day 2) I felt really bad and in the end had to puke. I feel better after puking but is vomiting an indicator to stop fasting? Please let me know!...
Hey fellow dryfasters! I am on day 3 of my dry fast. I threw up 3 times in the last hour. I Probably lost a lot of fluid from the vomiting. Is it safe to continue? Also. is intense exercise...
Hi Fasters, I vomited a small amount of yellow bile this morning after having fasted all day yesterday. All I ingested yesterday was black coffee and approx. 400ml (13 fl oz) of water with [these fasting salts]( added. EDIT: I also had...
This is my 2nd time trying to fast, the first one was a few years ago and I was able to make it to the 3rd day, just tried fasting yesterday and the headache was killing me so I had...
What do I do?? Is this normal? I can’t even drink broth without being nauseous and I’m in bed all day. Help please. Has anyone else experienced this and knows what to do?
I'd like to help my friend out here, it's my friend's first fast and started 38 hours ago, and vomiting has just occurred. . The friend is committed to making it 3 days total. Any advice?...
im fairly new to the whole fasting ordeal, i usually do 16/8, but i decided to challenge myself by fasting for 39 hours. i had my first meal, which was pretty light, just an apple and a chicken salad bowl....
I am on day 19 of my 40 day water fast and the past few days it’s been getting harder and harder swallowing my potassium/magnesium pills. Today I actually vomited trying to swallow the pill, it was highly unpleasant. Does...
I tried to break my fast with a plate of fried rice, but vomited it out 3 minutes later, how do I prepare my stomach to break my fast? And what is the science behind why this happened? Thanks
I've never fasted longer than 18 hours, but the last few weeks I've been so depressed and eating horrible everyday. I'm getting back on track. I'm thinking of starting with a 48 hour fast. It just feels like I...
I was looking at putting them uncooked in a smoothie but unsure if that actually works.
Hi Guys, I am curious. Is there a maximum amoint of calories the body can absorb in one day? Like even if you atr more it just goes „through“ your system?
She's already dehydrated, shes planning on not swallowing her spit so she can lose more water weight, shes gonna wear plastic bags to sweat more while covering herself in blankets most of the day. And the craziest idea of all...
Are you starting a new fast this week? We'll be posting this thread every Sunday, at the beginning of every calendar week, so you can check in and tell us about your plans for a fasting this week!
To be clear up front: I am not currently pregnant. But I am one week into IF (16:8) and my partner and I are trying for a baby (have been for a few months, the IF is new). Everything I’ve...
I’m on my 4th day, so far so good. But I’m starting to have a really bad stomach ache. It’s sharp and really painful, at my very low stomach near my waist. I’m planning to finish the fast tonight so...
+0 I broke my fasting with tomato soup and steamed veggies. +4 hours after green tea and lettuce salad +12 hours (right now) I have severe hiccup and I am vomiting every couple hours. What did I do to my body?
I've recently started taking medication morning and evening after food. Is there any way of fasting around that? I've tried taking the meds without eating and it makes me feel very nauseous. Thanks for any help
So I used to do long term fast a lot. But that was when I was unemployed and mostly at home lounging. Now I have an office job and workout 4 days a week. I was starting to have chronic...
Dear, do you have sex during your extended fasts (i'm thinking at 5+ days)? I know it sounds strange but my GF asked me... I'd like to have sex as usual but prefer to ask to experts ...
I notice that obviously you get drunk easier but it seems like it takes me days to get back on track and I feel drained.
electrolytes: Salt shots paired with swigs of water; 1.1g iodized table salt combined with 0.64g no-salt taken 3-4 times per day, while I also take a 500mg magnesium pill in the AM beverages: At first I drank a ton of GFuel/sugar-free sport mix/coffee...
Hey yall, so I have not yet been diagnosed; but I was told I could have SIBO by a group I'm in who deals with the same issue I deal with ( constant vomiting ) I've been to multiple doctors...
Soooo... Let's say you eat a hefty meal before lifting. You finish a workout in 1 hr. Surely that hefty pre workout meal hasn't been digested completely. Does that mean it then becomes your post-workout nutrients as...
Dried light red kidney beans (35g weight, 90 cals, 9g of protein): 11.25 calories per 1g of protein Canned light red kidney beans (130g weight, 110 cals, 7g of protein): 15.71 calories per 1g of protein Is there a reason that...
Im 80 hours into a fast. Drank 3 glasses of water mixed with 1/4 tsp of potassium and 1/4 tsp of pink salt, one in the morning, one during lunchtime and the last one about 4 hours ago. I’m currently...
Hello there, does anybody here know if there are some health risks associated with alcohol consumption and fasting?
Does stevia taste different to some people? I know some people have a genetic reason that they think cilantro taste like soap. I’m wondering if there is something similar pertaining to Stevia. I find that Stevia utterly wrecks anything that it’s...
I just genuinely don’t understand how you guys feel ‘full of energy’ while fasting. This is my third day of a four day fast and I’ve tried it all— taking electrolytes, drinking a sufficient amount of water, black coffee, meditating...
I read a comment a few weeks about shortening your fasting window/completely stopping fasting a week before your period because of hormone and stress levels in the body. I am not someone who really has any noticeable symptoms at any...
Just increased from 2 to 3 (with electrolytes) and saw a very noticeable difference in my well being. Just thought I could tell others, in case it helps them as well. :) Used to have slight nausea/headache/feeling slightly weak during my...
37/F 5’2” cw: 133lbs gw: 120lbs I have been on a 17:7 fasting schedule for almost a year. When I try to extend beyond that I hit a wall. I can do a full day of fasting no problem, but...
Are you starting a new fast this week? We'll be posting this thread every Sunday, at the beginning of every calendar week, so you can check in and tell us about your plans for a fasting this week!
The longest for me was 4 days. I gradually built up to it however. It was not automatic. Now I’m going to try for 5 days. This will be my longest yet. I’ll have fluids, some electrolyte mix if I’m...
Would doing jiu jitsu on a fast longer than 7 days be feasible with snake juice?
I'm fasting (OMAD) consistently for the last 3 or so months. I lost some pretty weight but now I have a back injury and doctor recommended some medicine which I need to take in morning and evening after meal. Here are...
Okay so I just learned that cold rice can be toxic. Does anyone know if cold brown rice pasta is also toxic? Tia!!
Disclaimer : Not seeking medical advice. Just for educational purposes only. I have had no surgeries in my life ever and currently 55 pounds overweight. Just want to go back feeling normal again. This is my third day of the flu. Knowing...
I did a 6 days dry fast and then followed a 17 days water fast which 8m currently on and I still fill full and bloated as if I have food in my tummy. Any ideas why?
Hi! I started Jan 2. I’m on Day 3 today and this morning was rough. I’m 148 lbs and will be happy if I end this anywhere in the 120’s. (I’m 5’4”). I’ve been taking some salt and a multivitamin but...
**1: EXOGENOUS KETONE BASE** I've read a lot of differing opinions on this. Some say it actually prevents weight loss because the body stops producing its own, or something to that effect. Some say they've had great success with...
what gives? This only started for me once I began IF a few weeks ago. I chew the anti acid tablets every other day. ​ Does this mean IF is not right for me or what? Contemplating going to a...
I feel like the only thing truly holding me back from long fasts is trying to take down this vile electrolyte concoction. I’m trying to avoid anything flavoured because I’d like to get the full benefits of autophagy. I’m following...
I just finished a 9 day fast to improve my long Covid symptoms and abdominal pain. My re-feed was steamed fish and a bit of yogurt and didn’t seem to cause any issues. However, on the second day I had...
checked the info page and FAQs, didn't see anything about it there. did i miss it?
I am looking for the one which can give me the most of protein, carbs, vitamin B12 and most importantly calcium. Also please suggest low budget options as I am a student. Edit: I am not lactose intolerant, dairy milk is...
Hey guys, so I am avid coke zero drinker which is made from aspartame, and for the longest time, I thought it was safe because it was supposedly one of the most studied products ever made but I came across...
Hello. My vacation starts in a couple of days and I figured it would be a good time to attempt a fast without it interfering with my work. My plan is to start in about a week and let it...
This is a path I've travelled before and I've fallen off the wagon many times! I've realised that in the past, I always went hard immediately, with fasting, low carb and exercise and then burnt out within a month. I've decided...
#Share your daily fast story thread! 📃 ⏳ **Length** of fast (*start/end/total*) ❓ **Why are you fasting?** (ex: *weight loss, other health benefits, spiritual/religious reasons*) 📝 **Notes** (*How is it going so far? Any concerns? Insights to share?*)...
Yesterday evening, I decided that I wanted to vast for 24 hours starting Sunday night at 6 PM till Monday at 6 PM - 24 hours. My last meal was in and out. You know how I am clearly a...
What are benefits for vitamin B6?
(condition where stomach takes a long time to empty food). i've heard of gordon ryan on JRE recently explaining how he'd unintentionally (water?) fast for like 5 days out of pain and nausea but when he'd resume eating seems like it'd...
I (M23) am 6'4 and weigh 370 lb, so pretty obese. I'm also used to fasting so I don't need any of that "take it slow and easy at the start" stuff. Would it be reasonable to set a goal...
I started a fast, I was going to fast for 2 weeks. I was doing fine, but on day 6 close to 9pm I could not sleep. I was SO HUNGRY. I had been fighting it, but I...
In the Daily Check-in thread, why is smoking a type of fasting? "**Type** of fast (water, juice, smoking, etc.)" I've been doing IF, and I smoke outside my eating window (tobacco + marijuana). I'm insanely lucky that smoking doesn't give...
Im new to coffee. I wonder whats the cheapest and best way (in taste and nutrients) to consume coffee? Like what types of filters, coffee machine or not, what coffee is recommened (maybe especially for IF). I have to get the...
Everytime I go find some answers on Quora about fasting, majority of people say to not fast because it’s unsustainable for weight loss and bad for your health. I been intermittent fasting for quite some while now and I feel...
What are the nutritional benefits and drawbacks of non alcoholic beer, if the person drinking it isn’t afraid of carbs? it’s a fermented product, so it must have gut benefits.
I haven’t started taking metformin yet but i do have a prescription my doctor prescribed because i am pre diabetic and i gained a lot of weight last year and my blood sugar went back from normal to prediabetic. however...
I’m a year postpartum & I wanted to try intermittent fasting to gain control of my health as I’ve been dealing with autoimmune flares since giving birth. I don’t know if this is related to the fact I had gestational...
So I actually kinda lost but I know that this sub has a lot of wise people so why not. 1) Is microwaving frozen berries/fruits okay? I really just want to eat them, not cook but I have no...
Hey y’all- I posted during my attempt at a 21 day fast. I only made it to Day 19, and I wanted to share my experience since it looks like there’s a wave of people trying EF for the first...
So I was thinking about drinks like Gatorade and Powerade. Both claim to help with rehydration especially for athletes. I know that drinks like the two brands I mentioned have electrolytes that aid in rehydration. I was wondering what the...
Recently a friend order a bag of edible grasshoppers and the nutritional content is surprisingly good! Doesn’t really taste like anything and I feel if you’re comfortable with stuff like shrimps and lobsters than insects should be fine. Great for the...
Welcome to the weekly [r/Nutrition]( feature post for questions related to your personal diet and circumstances. Wondering if you are eating too much of something, not enough of something, or if what you regularly eat has the nutritional content you...
Hi, I'm having diarrhoea and I've just vomited twice. I'm doing ADF and today is a non eating day. Will this be fine as long as I keep up my electrolytes and fluids? I'll just vomit everything...
Hey reddit, I just got off a 28 day water fast from January 3rd to January 31st. I was originally planning for 30 days but I cut the fast short and broke it and just went to the doctor because...
I’m doing a 72 hour fast and wanted to do hot yoga tomorrow night. Just shy of the 48hr mark. I feel like it would be good to sweat out a bunch of bs while my system is empty and...
Hey Guys, I got the Rona. Pretty sure it was the delta because I stay away from people as much as possible and the delta variant is highly contagious. I was excited to get it cause I knew that-that would mean...
He gave me the stomach flu. Highly recommend not doing it this way. I'm just trying to keep myself entertained between vomiting and fever-brraking showers. Anybody got any tips on how to keep calories down, or if headache medicine counts...
I've been doing prolonged fasts for the past few days (usually anything from 20-30 hours, so pretty much omad), but I made a terrible error on Tuesday: I broke a fast with cookies. Work brought them in for everyone to thank...
I believe I caught COVID around Jan 1st this year. I had a fever for around 3 days, headache, cough, vomiting. The fever broke and I started to slowly feel better every day. I started to feel back to...
I've been fasting for a month now and it's been going great until the last couple days. I've been feeling really nauseous and just threw up a lot of water. I'm thinking at this point I'm just going to go...
Hi all, I just ended a dry fast last night with coconut water/baking soda/ snake juice. I also had some fruit to help rehydrate with a bit of egg and meat but couldn’t stomach much. Today I have had more...
I am currently fasting around 3-5 consecutive days per week depending on how I feel. I have noticed that upon my 2nd or 3rd day of refeeding, I typically come down with a case of chronic gastritis, beginning with bloating...
So I basically only ate 2 times this week. I went from 220 to 208 in 7 days. The last day of the 96 was so tough especially since I took the vaccine that day. Can I just do 24s...
Every time that I am around this point, my body is just done. Day 5 is hard. Day 6 is impossible. I am fine before that. It's constant nasuea, vomitting, and weakness. I can't really keep much water down. Drinking...
Hey guys so whenever I get to around the 40-hour mark there is a high chance that when I need to use the bathroom, I get nauseous and extremely sweaty and feel like I'm going to vomit. As I sit...
I am currently taking buproprion XR (Wellbutrin XR) and have restarted intermittent fasting. Typically, if I take this medication on an empty stomach, I will vomit. I’ve also been advised to not take this medication after...
I’ve been doing rolling 48 hour fasts consistently and haven’t had an issue until now. Last night I decided to break the fast a bit early and start slow with bone broth as usual. Felt fine. This afternoon I...
Hi everyone, Yesterday I ended my 7-day water fast and during the fast I felt quite weak and tired but it was managable. However, yesterday I broke the fast with some bone broth and later on veggie juice and afterwards I...
Hello all I just need some guidance and/or someone that knows more about fasting. I’ve suffered from GERD for 11 years now. My stomach completely sucks I can’t eat a lot of foods being that my stomach is really sensitive....
I am looking for an electrolyte product on Amazon, and every product has at least some 1-star reviews stating everything from "horrible taste" to "I've been vomiting for 12 hours." I'm starting down the path of just buying pure Sodium, Potassium...
I feel full/content at the end of my eating hours (after dinner time). However, come morning my stomach is screaming “FEED ME” and it’s hard to last until noon. What foods do you all eat to feel full? Veggies will...
I've been doing 16:8 IF for about 6 weeks. I've had no issues and loved it. Wednesday I had a very small dinner (wasn't hungry) then I took my 16 hour fast. Thursday my work catered...
I've been attempting 16/8 fasting for well over a year now but I am unable to do it continuously. My problem is that every now and then, like a few times a week, I'll get hungry during my fasting window...
Hello everyone, I am thinking about dry fasting to see how it can affect my cycle. I have extremely painful period with vomiting diarrhea backpain. I have missed countless numbers of days from school and older from work. I...
Looking for some food ideas for my vegetarian self to introduce over the next few days. With the emphasis on nutrition and bowel health. I am on day 7 of a fast. Had water and green tea in this time....
I have been doing IF for 3 weeks and have noticed my bloating going down. But now, I am days away from my period and my sweet cravings have started again and there’s literally nothing I can do to control...
Recently, I did 36hr prolonged fasting. I was so energetic and active during the fasting and I did not feel any weakness during the fasting. I ate a Homemade Veg burger to break my fast and I...
​ I'd like to share my supplement hoard with you guys. I was a vitamin freak before I started fasting, but I feel they are even more beneficial while I'm snaking. They give me the peace of mind that I'm...
Hi, I just finished my dryfast—it was tweleve days— and I made a pretty big mistake in preparing for it and I wanted to warn anyone to make sure to take the proper preparation in regard to this mistake. So, I...
People are fucking stupid. Over a couple years, the shit I’ve read on this subreddit or other forums related to the snake diet is mostly brain dead or just lazy. The snake diet is the simplest thing ever. Stop eating. Mix...