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IF 16/8 only 5 days per week effective? Anyone else do that?

Hi all, newbie here.

How effective would IF 16/8 be only 5 days a week. I can’t fast on Fri or Sat because I know both days I’ll likely have a couple drinks or late night snacks.

I also worry about my body getting “used” to fasting everyday, and I want to keep it “guessing” and keep my metabolism revved up.

Does anyone else only fast 5 days a week? If so, how effective has that been for you?

(5’4 Female, weightlifting 4-5 days a week. Start weight: 160 pounds CW: 157 GW: 135)

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I do 18:6 on weekdays only, and I’ve been generally losing about 1lb per week.

Now, I also try not to overdo it on the weekends, but I’ll usually eat breakfast (the meal I normally cut), and I still try to eat healthy and stop eating after 6:30pm.

It’s entirely possible to do a weekday IF schedule, but expect to lose weight more slowly. Also, expect that while it’s been effective for me, it might not work at all for you.


This is what I do, maybe it will be helpful. On Mondays I do 16:8, Tuesdays 18:6, Wednesdays 19:5, Thursdays 20:4, and Fridays 22-26 hours.

Often times during the week I am able to go longer, but I do not extend my eating window. Today is Tuesday and I went 20 hours pretty easily.

Heading into Friday night, when I know I’ll have a few glasses of rum of wine, I eat a lot later. I might start at 5 pm and have up to 1000 calories of food between 5 pm and midnight. I save 500 calories for rum or red wine (it’s a lot, but I overestimate). At midnight I stop.

I don’t eat again until at least 2 pm the next day. That gives me a 14 hour fast. Not great but it’s something. If I can go longer, I do.

Same thing but longer eating window. I stop by midnight.

Sunday I again go until 2 pm but stop my eating window by 6 pm.

Monday I can eat by 10 am. Boom, back on track.


Having 2 normal days a week would make it even more effective, the body does actually need a break from fasting now and then because it is actually a light stressor. So two regular days (not an eat fest haha) just normal, is A-ok.


I started IF with weekdays only and lost some weight, but a few weeks ago I went IF seven days / week. I’m sort of amazed I‘m able to do it. I like snacking on the weekend, but so far I’m maintaining 7/week. During Christmas and holidays obviously I’ll do whatever I want. Shutting down the snacks in the evening on a Saturday night takes some doing, but it’s working.

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Categories: snack to fast lose weight eating window calories 14 hour fast stress holidays evening