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I’m taking myself on a “fasting retreat”- help me plan?

I was daydreaming of being able to go to a fasting retreat (let’s be honest- sometimes fasting is easier when you’re not at home juggling everyone else’s needs or being around their foods!) and then realized I could actually just do it myself. I have found a small studio on Airbnb and I’m about to pull the trigger on booking it. Mostly like looking at a 7 day stay.

I’ll be bringing my laptop so that I can work from there instead of at home.

Besides the basics like regular clothing and toiletries, I’m bringing the following:

Anything else I should bring? Anything else I should consider doing? I am looking forward to having some alone time but I also recognize being alone can result in being bored which can sometimes backfire.

If you were going what would you bring?

Edited for clarity!

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Whoa what a fantastic idea! My $0.02 - why not treat yourself to some spa style self care as well? I’m talking face masks, bath bombs, exfoliants and the likes. Combined with fasting you’ll probably be glowing by the end of the week 😁


I would have something available in case you don’t feel well. If it’s too tempting, then figure out a system that makes sense for you to have ready access to something to eat if you need to cut things short.

Being bored is a terrible way to be hungry. I would definitely have a full complement of things to do. Whether that’s books to read or whatnot. If you want to mediate, that works. But not having a to do makes me want to go grab something to eat just to do something.

Sounds like a nice getaway. I wish you success on your fast and hope you come back learner and more relaxed and well rested.


I think there are two ways to go about this: are you goal driven? Or can relax and flow easily?

I know I’m goal driven- if I can distract my brain with work or a task (write this, research this, journal this, tidy the PC or go here and see XYZ) then my brain doesn’t demand food. Games are good for that reason too. My brain asks for food when I’m too wrapped up in my thoughts, or sitting without nothing to do, or watching something without doing something else. Yet I know people who can lie on a couch and enjoy nature, or watch a movie and be really engaged in it, and those things “engage” their mind. You know you!

Also if you’re doing a water fast, first 4 days will be the worst, and don’t feel bad about just sleeping the day away. Make sure the bed is EXACTLY what you want and keep alarms to keep drinking (small amounts the whole day instead of gluging 5l in one go) especially between naps and sleeps!


I think it’s a wonderful idea.

The only thing I can think of (you’ve got a Ipad and internet so there’s that for you) is a box of colored pencils and and adult coloring book (I don’t mean an XXX one, just not a kids one).

The reason is you might find you need to “do” something. And coloring or filling in shapes will scratch that itch and let you focus on something.


Are you close to a store or food incase you need it? And do you have cell service to call a friend or 911? If so, this sounds about as safe as a fasting retreat 🤷🏼‍♀️I think it’s genius. I’d suggest making yourself a schedule just like you’d have at a retreat, like a morning and afternoon walk, yoga (make the playlist in advance on YouTube), bring a speaker to play music, and maybe schedule time to call those friends you’ve been meaning to catch up with. The fasting retreats discourage working a lot, so maybe limit the amount of time per day you’re allowed to work (if that’s an a option). Good luck!

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