| | Water Fasting

I’m not losing weight whilst Water Fasting, please help i’m super demotivated!

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Three days isn’t enough time to gauge anything. A lot depends on your typical diet, overall health, etc. Most people can expect to lose about .5 - .7# of fat per day fasted; anything over that is typically fluid loss and comes back in the days refeeding. Fasting is a lifestyle for most, so progress is seen over weeks and months, even years… not only in a few days.


Hear me out: you wont notice much difference until after refeed. Then your body does something weird and releases the stuff (water etc) it was holding and youll see a huge difference after. Keep going though because 3 days is only water/glucose, not fat.


Were you supplementing with sodium? You do want to make sure you have enough sodium, but it can make your body retain water. So you’ll weight similarly until you can “flush out” the water weight.

But others here are right that weightloss takes time and you aren’t going to lose a pound a day or anything like that, especially if you aren’t morbidly obese. It’ll take time! You can try doing a 2-day fast every week, or something similar. As long as you keep your eating in check the other days, you should start to see progress over time!


Your body May fluctuate. for instance holding in extra fluid or replacing fluid you were missing but if your water fasting your body is living off of fat so the amount of fat in your body without a doubt is going down.

I’ve never done anything longer than 58 hours and most of mine are 36 hour fast.

The more you water fast the more you will lose without a doubt.

Try not to compare yourself to others and just know that if you keep doing it you are losing weight it’s hard to tell looking at yourself but over time it’ll be night and day!

You can do this keep at it you got this


>I’m not losing weight whilst Water Fasting

That’s because you don’t fast longer than 3 days:

I usually loose about 2-2.5kg within 3 days (800g of glycogen bound to water), after that my weight loss (mostly fat) slowly increases from 500 to 900g a day, depending on how much I exercise to further boost metabolism.

While I gain the weight losses of the first 3 days of fasting back once I refeed and replenish my glycogen storage the hard earned weight loss after day #3 maintains and can further be amplified by continuing a KETO OMAD diet which will leverage your trained ability to burn more fat in fasting windows.


Hi all, i tried Water Fasting for the second time in my life, i didn’t have progress the first time, i thought i’d try again but still nothing :( I Fasted for Exactly 3 days and i only lost 400g, why is this? i’m trying to lose 10KG, why is my progression so slow compared to others. please help, Thank you.


Keep at it, try intermittent fasting like two/ three days fasting during the week, eat healthy other days. Keep electrolytes up, drink plenty of water and you’ll see results. It won’t be instant but consistency is key.

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Categories: losing weight water fasting refeeding glucose sodium obese 36 hour fast water fast weight loss keto omad intermittent fasting electrolytes