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Is homemade bread just as bad as store bought bread?


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sigh these comments…

a whole wheat sourdough bread is probably one of the better breads you can eat, especially homemade. Bread itself isn’t bad for you, but it’s gotten a bad rap lately following the sand which crazy of the 90’s and early 00’s. Bread being “bad” is just another food trend like eggs and milk being “bad” for you.

Can bread be unhealthy? Yes Is homemade bread better for you than store bought? Yes, just like everything else homemadeShould bread be the only thing you eat? No

If you’re going to eat anything wether it’s healthy or unhealthy, homemade/home grown is almost always better. Moderation is still the key.

Making your own sourdough bread can be very rewarding. Best of luck


Bread is not bad for you. Low quality bread with fillers and crap is.

Buy some organic unfortified flour (doesn’t need to be wholemeal, shits overhyped if you have a good diet you won’t need to freak out). Buy good quality yeast or make a sourdough, some olive oil or whatever good oil/butter, salt and bam a good carbohydrate source. You only need to avoid or reduce bread if you’re lower carb or tryna isolate gut health to a high extent for whatever reason you may have.


Bread is fine as part of a balanced diet. Some people find it palatable to the point of over-consumption, but that’s not a problem inherent to bread.

White bread in the US tends to have added sugar and possibly other fillers you’d rather avoid. But if you’re just doing flour/water/salt/yeast at home, it’s fine in reasonable portions.

If you consider white rice nutritionally acceptable, white flour is okay. If you’re in the “brown rice only” club, look into rye or whole wheat sourdough.


No! Specially if you do it with natural, collected yeast and grind your grains fresh. Bread can be a pretty neat food then.

But if you have disbiosis, leaky gut or celiac condition, then you must first heal that first and completely avoid bread until then.


Like other comments, bread is not bad and some breads have more nutritional value than others.

Personally, nutrition aside, making bread is so satisfying and super easy. Start with a basic yeasted white bread to get comfortable with how dough works. Then move on to your whole wheats/grains as they tend to act differently. Sourdough is fun and tasty and super good for your gut but it takes time to get right. Practice first and then get fancy.


Homemade bread is easier for your digestion system to digest as the loaf has been cooked for a longer time allowing the gluten to be completely broken down. Store bought bread is usually baked in a shorter period of time and will more commonly aggravate people’s digestion system if they are however sensitive to gluten.


>I got a bread maker and started making my own bread for my family but I don’t eat it as I know bread is usually pretty bad.

So, bread is bad, but you’re okay making it and feeding it to your family?


I think some of our bread and cereals are treated with chemicals and preservatives which our digestive system has trouble over time especially our uk supermarkets the public wanted bread to last longer i good artisan baker is fine some of our supermarkets produce sour dough that has 28 ingredients! I make my own sour dough that’s lovely

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