Sorry if this is a dumb question, I am quite new to fitness and nutrition. For example the quark I am about to eat has 4.2g of fat, 3.6 grams of carbs and 10.8 grams of protein. Aditionally maybe 1g of...
I understand white rice has lower anti nutrients than brown rice. Are there any other carb sources with low anti nutrients?
In my country , staple food is rice/wheat(bread). If a person takes sufficient amount of leafy greens + vegetables + egg/meat + plant based protein (like lentil , beans) , will he go through any side effects ? From the...
I found this drink at my work [BodyArmor Lyte]( and it's nutrition label says 15 calories but 14g of carbohydrates. Only 2g sugar (so theres 8 calories there), but 1) where are the other carbohydrates that isn't sugar and 2)...
Might be a dumb question, but the general nutritional advice I’ve gotten is that eating protein is essential for muscle development and maintenance. Evolutionarily speaking, why? Carbs seem to be much easier to come by, and strength seems to be... I suspect that ultra-low fat intake can offset the effects of ultra-high carb intake. What do you think?
I’ve had success in weigh loss with IF and Extended Fasting. But, I learned that when I do so, I end up having issues with my sleep Apnea overnight, in spite of using a CPAP. The Respirologist suggested the cause...
[]( ; []( [Szypowska A](, [Regulska-Ilow B]( ### Abstract The differences between the metabolism and the physiology of cancer cells and the cells of the human body are assessed and used in most anticancer treatments. These differences encompass, among...
Hi, there. I'm coming across contradictory information online, so I thought you might be able to help me find the right answer. Basically, I'm trying to discern what the correct balance (if there is such a thing) between carbohydrates and fats...
The recent top post is about a layne norton podcast where he speaks about various things, intermittent fasting, energy balance, etc etc. He also speaks about carbohydrates, fat, protein and insulin. In that post, a lot of people were making...
I mean, in general, sure. Glucose supplies energy, and if needed, stores it in a form of glycogen, but other than that? Protein literally builds the body, because breaks down to amino acids. Lipids contain fatty acids, they break down some...
Brief Communication Open Access Published: 17 February 2022 A high-carbohydrate diet lowers the rate of adipose tissue mitochondrial respiration Benjamin T. Bikman, Kim J. Shimy, …David S. Ludwig Show authors European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2022)Cite this article Abstract Adipocyte mitochondrial respiration may influence metabolic fuel partitioning...
It seems to be common wisdom that having carbs as the main calorie source is important, and while I do share that, I want to understand *why* exactly. I wouldn't want to oversimplify an issue I am not an expert...
Are there any general best food type for late dinners close to bed time with regards to sleep quality?
As hunters and gatherers weren’t fruits the only source of carbs. Since wheat and rice were only cultivated after the agricultural revolution and we hardly had those (correct me if I am wrong on this point).
Why is this exactly? The brand I bought last time had 0 calories and from what I’ve always known creatine monohydrate doesn’t have calories.
How come, when you go low/no carb, you lose a lot of water weight? Is there something about carbs and storing water in our bodies?
MyFitnessPal says I can have up to 80g of sugar but is that natural, added or both? Does natural sugar count towards your overall sugar intake?
Typically, when you look at the carbohydrate content of milk, you will see that it is something like 10g of carbohydrates and 10g sugar, meaning that all the carbohydrates in the milk are sugar. I have, however, encountered milk...
How do glycemic index and total carb content of foods interact when it comes to post meal blood sugar spikes? Let's say I eat a bowl of white rice vs two bowls of oatmeal. Assuming rice and oatmeal have the...
Does eating high fibre foods before high glycemic meals help minimize blood sugar spikes?
Can someone explain to me how the Maillard reaction happens in meat like roast beef even though there’s no carbohydrates in meat?
Hi, is dry fasting for 3 days out of the week & eating OMAD for the other 4 days a good weight loss regimen? F- 5ft 2 - current weight is 74kg on day two out of a 5 day...
I just noticed grapes have fat content. Where is the fat coming from?
I have a goal and need to reach it (or get very close to it) by september, I want to lower my body fat percentage, but I need to gain muscle and strength. Given my deadline I don’t have time...
Hello all, I was wondering about the effects of psyllium husk on fasting. Since it is just a mix of soluble and insoluble fiber and does not get digested , does it count as breaking a fast? What...
I'm wondering if it would be too hard on my stomach/digestive system if I just mashed a kiwi with a fork/spoon and swallowed the semi-mushy pulp and seeds without chewing the kiwi, because I have sensitive teeth and the kiwi...
I know they are different parts of a plant. But for example, I have no veggies at home today but I have some avocados, manderins and banana and will eat that plus some meat. Or do I need some actual...
Where do the calories in non-starchy veggies come from? I know there aren't that many, but there are still a few and I'm confused.
I bought this drink, a Body Armor Lyte, and on the nutrition label, it says the drink contains 18g of carbohydrates but the whole bottle only has 20 calories. I was under the impression that 1g of carbohydrates is equal to...
Should sodium be considered a macronutrient? Why or why not?
Do taking nootropics such as 450mg Alpha GPC, 450mg l-tyrosine, 500mg L-carnosine, 200mg phosphditylserine, 1g ALCAR, 400mg Ginkgo Biloba. Any of these contain calories that would be able to break your fast?
some healthy sources of simple carbs ?
I got this peanut butter. It says 4 grams of sugar per 100grams. How do I know if this is added sugar or the natural sugar that peanuts have? Some peanut butters do say they are without added sugar. But does it mean...
[removed] Again, glad recent publications have dropped antiquated and outdated concepts that natural animal SFA are bad. The science just does not support that premise.
So i think we all know, gaining losing or maintaining weight is all based on energy expenditure, calories but I have a curious question. If someone need say 3000 calories to maintain their weight and they straight up eat 3000...
American here and I know most people eat unhealthy but what foods does this actually include??
Hi everyone! Apologies in advance if this isn’t the right sub, i just couldn’t find a better one. I am in college and due to make a presentation on “Plants that accumulate glucids”. Slightly baffled by this one, i managed...
For example wholes almond butter is 190 for 2 tablespoons a while base culture is 170. Both list only almonds as ingredients
Anyone experience dry eyes when fasting? Hoping this isn't a big deal and there's an easy fix.
The difference between refined carbohydrates like white rice and brown rice is the fiber and maybe some protein that is added to the rice in brown rice? And the main consideration is the glycemic effect? So like, if one were...
I just read an article explaining the stages of fasting. It said after 14-16 hours you enter ketosis, but then recommended to end the fast around 16 hours if you’re new to it. I feel like the good stuff is just...
I've been searching for days, and have yet to encounter a concrete answer... Everything that I've read have been opinions and inferences. I want a definite answer whether eating whole coffee beans actually break a fast or not. Has anyone...
Hi all Sorry if this seems obvious to this group but my Googling is failing me today.... 😜 I'm looking for a good research article on the macro nutrient requirement for endurance athletes. Age is a consideration so that would also be...
As the tittle says, do we actually absorb the calories from fibre or they just pass through our digestive system untouched?
Can someone eat TOO much carbs through vegetables? It seems like in order to maintain a certain weight, carbs have to be considered (along with exercise) which raises the question; if someone is trying to maintain a weight, and be...
I'm doing a 23/1 and reading sites and watching videos. I'm confused about two recommendations. In a 23/1 where you only eat one meal, make it a big meal. Thanksgiving dinner is an example of a big...
How are natural sugars perceived in regards to nutrition? Should intake of natural sugars such as in fresh or dried fruits be limited just as you should limit intake with refined sugars? I will use the AHA recommendation of sugar...
How much calories are in a lamb heart including all the fat?
Sex Male: Age 20s Weight 172 Wishing to ask for principles atound which to build a monthly diet for someone who is living alone.
Here is my (fairly simplified and general) understanding of sugar: * Sugar is a simple carbohydrate, as opposed to complex carbohydrates (starch and fiber). * Both types of carbs supply blood glucose, but complex carbs do it in a...
I am generally curious about this because people always tell me it’s fiber and GI. But for me white potato is much more satiating compared to oats or even beans. So what exactly makes a carb satiating?
Hello everyone. I am currently fasting. Yesterday and today I have eaten about 100 calories of white rice to fight fatigue and weakness, it has really helped and made the day go by faster. (I.E. no lingering fatigue that makes...
I am 9 days in to 16:8. Lost 7 pounds the first 7 days. Now I seem to have gained 5 back. Im counting calories and staying just under my calorie goal. Any insights? Thanks for all of your help...
I am 40F who is 5’2 and weights 169. I am mostly vegan but super lazy about cooking/meal prepping. I have a desk job so I sit most of the day. Any advice or ideas?
Maybe this is getting into the weeds a bit on the science/chemistry of how our bodies digest, but it has never made sense to me that some complex carbs (polysaccharides) like rice, breakfast cereals, white bread can have a higher...
Is oat fibre really calorie free? It still contains carbohydrates. Are the calorie labels lying? 🧐
The saying goes: 3,500cal = 1lbs of fat. But does the body only burn the fat first? Surly the body is breaking down more than just fat. So how many calories do you really have to go negative to burn a lb of...
I always read how sugar is the worst thing for you as it's the only thing that is not needed for daily body function. Salt is needed, so is fat. But not sugar.
I'm aware that there are multiple studies that verify the negative outcomes between diets high in (saturated) fat intake but in some of those studies, BMI of individuals isn't stated. Do high quality studies exist that verify the connection between...
Should I stop sugar by fruits also ? This is a loosing fat question
What are your strategies for eating an appropriate amount of calories when your calorie expenditure is different every day? is it worth it to change your macros every day or to just hold an average for the week?
Googling answers say that adults should have no more than 30g of sugars a day. I'm not too sure whether that's added (I'm guessing) or included with fruits and other stuff. Meanwhile carbohydrate intake is about 300g a day but...
Hi redditors, Like the title says, im wondering how bodybuilders switch foods/meals without changing their macros. I tried looking it up on google, but there seems to be no information about it.
I was overweight for a while (More than 2 years) and was slowly going towards obese. I had to suffer people ridiculing my body. Even my parents were worried about my increasing weight. My partner was avoiding me. I tried intermittent fasting...
I've often heard that Duck is actually quite lean, if you remove the skin and visible fat. Is that true?
I am trying to reach 72 or 100 hours atleast but dizziness makes it scary and impossible. I have early fasting experience with OMAD or easy 30 hours consecutive fasts. This time I want to go further for atleast a...
1) Why some nutrion guidelines recommdend eating meals high in protein and fiber whilst other recommend meals high in protein and fat? I know that protein is the most satieting macronutrient , is it fat more satiting than carbohidrates...
Hello everyone, I’m looking to download an app that will help me track my macronutrients. I am in receivers for an ED and seeing calories is somewhat triggering for me, but I really want to make sure im hitting all...
Usually, my blood sugar level is around 100 mg/dL. Lately I started to fast, 24 or 48 hours. After I fast, say for 48 hours, my glycemia is around 80 mg/dL. Today I measured my glycemia before broking an...
I thought they were all very similar, but it seems not. So I was wondering what are their main differences? Like on a nutrients level, their composition, how they are digested and processed by the body, etc. Which one is supposed...
I am in my 90h out of 120h, everything is good except I always crave sweets(chocolate, pastry with chocolate, mostly everything with chocolate in it, but other sweets as well) in my fasts. I overcome it but it makes me...
Is it like fat, like the saturated and unsaturated? Some good, some bad. I've read that the simple carbs are the bad ones but I can still not understand. Are carbs mostly sugars? And are they really that bad?
My energy has plummeted because of a vacation, studying and work. Is it ok to have a “diet” energy drink?
If I eat the same amount of calories for example 1200 calories, which would be better for losing weight faster. low carb calorie deficit 18:6 vs high carb calorie deficit 18:6? Would I lose the same amount of fat...
I do lowcarb/keto diet during refeed. Have gone 72 hrs. fasting recently. Does vaping affect my fast negatively like will I lose less weight when doing so? Thank you in advance!
I just wanna know how bad are the flour and the baked stuff for a diet or for a trying getting lean phase?
So, it's been 2 years since I started IF, I usually fast 16:8 and on mondays I use to do a 24h fast. I've sometimes skipped IF and was a month having vrrakfast but I didn't feel good so came...
Trying hard but I’ll either break my fast early, eat later at night, or both. It’s like I have no will power any more! I tell myself I’ll do better tomorrow and then I don’t! I’m desperate to be successful...
From what I've read, the main benefits that can be associated with intermittent fasting are due to increasing insulin sensitivity - if you're not eating carbohydrates within the period that you're fasting, then the body doesn't need to release insulin....
I hear advocates of keto and fasting say that over time your body can become "fat adapted" and get more used to burning fat over carbs, even if you return to your previous diet. Is there truth to this? And...
I had an overly-ripe persimmon today and holy crap that was the sweetest piece of fruit I’ve ever eaten. This got me thinking- what exactly happens when a fruit ripens? And does a very ripe piece of fruit contain more...
What is wrong with me ? After long fasting i feel like panic attack , my head got dizzy , my body was shaking , i feel really intense , nervousness really overwhelmed.... I can say my body is pretty much...
I know processed / bleached white flour is pretty much just terrible for your body on a consistent basis as it causes an insulin spike, but is the same true of unbleached wheat flour? The reason I'm asking is that I...
Obviously, it’s not being ingested, but it is being absorbed. Anyone know?
[]( []( It says "a cup of potatoes has a similar effect on blood sugar as a can of cola or a handful of jelly beans. The roller-coaster-like effect of a high dietary glycemic load can result in people feeling hungry again...
I eased into eating by starting with bone broth. Then the next day (yesterday) I had a small meal and a few hours later a bigger meal. Today i unintentionally did a 2.79 mile hike with my friend and my...
How could you help recover muscles, while on ketosis? Unless isometric workouts would play a role in muscle recovery, I’m not sure. Any help?
I'm interested in ways to trigger fat burning and/or how to increase metabolism.
I saw that cooked rice has 30g per 100 g of carbs and potatoes 15g. What is the advantage when bodybuilder eat potatoes?
I recently saw that the calorie amounts put on food labels are in kilo calories. When they say that you usually need around 2,000 calories in a day, are they saying you need 2,000 kcal or 2,000 normal calories? My...