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Is it „safe“ to refeed only once a week?

I‘m a 5‘9 304lbs fat woman and need to lose 150lbs in 80 days. I plan to do 2 hours of steady state cardio every day and drink SJ on the fasting days. Is it safe to refeed only once a week on a zero carb keto meal like bacon/sausages (~1400cal) or will I die instantly 🥺

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Frankly I reached my goal weight by doing rolling 48s. With a keto refeed that is 1500 cals or under. Healthier and easier (very do able than 7 day fasts) I did yoga, Pilates and 10000 or more steps per day.


What is in 80 days? That’s an incredibly aggressive cut, not impossible, but highly improbable. What’s your plan not to gain it back after the 80 days. I find the lose x pounds in x days forinsert event here folks are very likely to rebound. I know because I’m one of them.


I do everything you are NOT supposed to do when fasting. Drink diet soda, break the fast on bad foods, exercise during a dry fast. I have NEVER ONCE had any adverse reactions other than shitting my pants once or twice. Sorry if thats too graphic but its the truth. Also i have not died on a fast ever. Not even once!


You can try as long as you feel okay, but I would w work my way up to it and not go into 7 days instantly, do 1 day then ref then 2 days then ref then 3 days and ref and so on, once you reach 7 you can try again and again as long as you have body fat this should not be a huge concern. The results will be amazing even if you’d only do 2 days then refeed.


It’s absolutely impossible to lose that much in 80 days. You could literally be exercising 6 hours a day and it still wouldn’t work please don’t do this.

Also it’s better to eat something with a lot of fiber, and sausages have carbs too. Better eat like some meat, big salad, some eggs and cooked veggies, some cheese and fruit.


You’re already wrong by eating dirty keto like bacon and sausages. Basically you are fat, looking for shortcuts, and eating dirty…., hmm I wonder how this will end up?? Learn to stop taking shortcuts and eat healthy whether keto or not.

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Categories: tea cardio zero carb keto 7 day fast soda dry fast shit a fast body fat fiber carbs meat fruit