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Is it okay to dry fast 6 days and refeed for one day every week for a month?

I am 500 lbs, I want to do this fast to lose weight and to not get as much loose skin when I do. I’ve done a previous 21 day water fast in which I lost about 40 lbs, and I am currently on day 3 of a dry fast. For someone of my weight, is it safe to fast 6 days out of the week and refeed/drink a shit ton of water on the 7th day every week for a month? Or is this impossible/not healthy. If it is safe to do, is there any advice on what to refeed with/vitamins to take on the 7th day?

Thank you in advance!

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It is safe as long as your refeeding window is extraordinarily healthy. The general consensus is that you should not consume solid food the first days of breaking a long dry fast but I do it all the time. Hehe. You need to restock electrolytes. Restore your pH. Omega-3s, (sardines have less mercury), arugula, beets, extra virgin olive oil, cucumbers, and a crap ton of water with electrolytes. Not just water by itself. You need baking soda in the water. A teaspoon will do in 8oz. You have to pee clear at least 3 times to be healthiest. And should be peeing at LEAST three times an hour with the last 3 very clear. All that being said, this is typically only healthy for people with no pre-existing medical conditions that make them sensitive to electrolyte imbalance, irregular heart beat, prone to fainting, dizzy spells. Vertigo, severe pancreas, liver and kidney issues. Recommended supplements: Ashwagandha, gotu Kola, tulsi, electrolytes, black coffee, l-carnitine, psyllium husk powder after you refeed so poop isn’t just sitting in your body, vitamin b, vitamin d at least 5000iu, Get a blood pressure monitor, a blood ketone reader, glucose reader. Zero sugar and only carbs from veggies. Good luck!


Good luck mate. I am excited to see your progress. Are you going to post progress pics?

I always break my extended dry fasts with coconut water due to all the electrolytes it contains. I also break it with fruit. Dry fasting is the best technique for intense healing and weight loss. As I am sure you know I would not do any strenuous exercise as it will tax your body too much. Walking is fine.

I recommend you buy Dr Sergei Filinovs book as he is the leading expert in dry fasting.

Good luck and don’t let anybody scare you off doing this. Make sure to listen to your body and if your detox is too strong to handle you can always take a short break then start again. Good luck


Rolling 72s is much better, bcuz the metabolism slows down and ur sleep might get affected. Better take it slowly. It’s always better to trick ur brain that there is food every 3 days to keep the burning going on.


Your approach seems unhealthy. It’s not advisable to fast that much. Hop on YouTube and get into some Tom DeLauer and Dr. berg videos. If you can, try to find a doctor to work with.

Years of unhealthy eating could make you prone to conditions that could be exacerbated by dry fasting. And binge eating one day per week will put additional stress on you.

If I were in your position:

One week per month go for a 3-5 day water fast and be very mindful about how you ease back into eating after longer fasts, it’s just as important as the fast.

Everyday: move around as much as you can all day. Take long walks every day if you can. I think that for you a key is to stay hydrated to keep things moving internally. Keep escalating your level of physical activity for a while - e.g. 10 minutes of exercise today, 11 minutes tomorrow, 12 the next. Or whatever works for you. Upward spiral.

Don’t forget…it’s more about living a healthy lifestyle everyday by making good/healthy choices during difficult moments, if you do that…then your weight will adjust as rapidly as is healthy for you. Think in terms of milestones and rewards that you create for yourself.

Stay strong! You got this!

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