| | Water Fasting

just did 80 hours, best one so far, regret breaking.

EDIT - 23/M
EDIT #2 - Got scales being delivered tomorrow! (29th)

Broke an 80 hour dry fast last night, I felt fantastic I just got incredibly bored and was getting sick of the horrid taste and dryness in my mouth which I should have just pushed through, I didn’t have a goal I just wanted to go as long as I could, I’ve done multiple 5 days (soft) dry in the past, would have been a nice achievement to do at least 7, but I’m still proud of 3> days of course.

I have a social thing in mid-March that I’m hoping to lose quite a bit of weight for, I was not kind to my body in 2020/21 and I’m trying to course correct, in regards to water fasting I’ve done multiple 21 day fasts in the past and honestly I find dry fasting easier, no hunger, no headaches or bloat etc, (I’m not suggesting I’d try 21 days dry, 10-14 max, and extended fasts for now are just for some quick and easy fat loss because I’m used to it, the real journey is after this thing I’m going to when I’ll have to make a ‘real’ lifestyle change), I have a good 140lbs to lose (obviously not doing that safely by mid-March, not even half of it) but I’m curious if there’s anything I could do to speed it up.

I guess my question is if it’s okay to do some light cardio/wear multiple layers to sweat more once in full ketosis to speed up fat loss? stuff like this for maybe 20-40 minutes (combined) a day, I know only I can only really answer that question by doing it but it’s never a bad idea to get second and third opinions beforehand, curious if it’s likely to tax me too much.

Not sure what the general opinion on Cole/Snake Diet is on here but I agree with him maybe 70% of the time, some things he says are batshit to me but generally he states fact, I’m just confused because in some of his older videos he says no one should be dry fasting for more than 3 days and then in more recent ones he’s like “dry fast for a whole month and you’ll lose 100lbs if you’re huge” and while I have no doubts close to that weight would likely come off if the whole thing about most of a pound of ‘fat’ being water is true, he just seems inconsistent about it, maybe he just learned more about it from experience and testimonials, either way I’m not going to be trying that so don’t worry.

I’ve started again already and feel good, want to go as long as possible, at the first sign of any real problems I’ll break and switch to water with electrolytes after.

I don’t have a scale right now, have no idea how much I weigh but the last time I was able to check it was pretty much dead-on 300lbs, I look and feel about the same if not slightly bigger, let’s just say 300-310, I’ll get a scale when I get paid in late February and update here.

Sorry for the essay, thanks for reading!

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Small suggestion. Take it or leave it.

At the moment you probably hate the idea of looking at those scales and are hoping to put it off to when you’re confident you weigh less and then will feel better, however I really think you might benefit from bracing the pain and weighing yourself now, you might hate it now but will thank yourself later.

Let’s say in 2 months you weigh yourself and you’re 300lbs. You’re not going to feel confident on whether you have been doing really well or really poorly. You might have lost 50lbs or put on 10lbs for all know.

The sad fact is, that the heavier you get the easier it is to put on weight without noticing a big difference.

I understand you can’t afford the scales now, but maybe you can go to a pharmacy with scales and check there.

Down the road, I think regular (even daily) weighing is the way to go. Of course we all lose weight during fasting, but it is the refeeding, then normal eating periods that define how much weight we keep off from the fasting.

I’ll also say getting on scales can be scary and if you have a weight problem it is easy to keep putting it off, but it can be helpful to know what different foods are doing to you.

Also one day you’re going to want to boast how much weight you lost!

Best of luck!


You are better off doing intermittent dry fasting 4 days on, 3 days off on low card diet. You should knock of a lot of fat by March.

People.dont know this, but the best thing you can do while fasting is sleeping well and deeply. Get a weighted blanket. Breathe deeply through out the day…it’s how your body releases the fat. At most, do some Greer Childers exercises.

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