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Just doing 16/8 once a week

Do you guys think there is benefit in just skipping breakfast once or twice a week?
I feel overwhelmed going all in and disheartened that I’m not doing enough at the same time.

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Another way is to ease into it. Move breakfast later by 45 min a day until it’s basically lunch. Huberman podcast discusses how we can train our hunger hormones to shift by about 45 min a day. Take a week that’s not too crazy and see how it goes. I cheat with a bit of heavy cream in my am coffee.


Absolutely yes. You’re doing a soft launch and seeing how your body reacts. If you’ve never done this before then you might even try just not eating for 8 or 6 hours first, just one time. Then see how it goes and extend from there. Good luck!


The body is not going like it, just like exercises, but you actively ignore and proceed, after that , little strength from that feedback loop will push you further, it will always be like that, you need to have the experiences of heavy urges to eat, you ignore and proceed, there is no way around it, if you think, you have lost, constantly ignore, create a practice of that, you will succeed


I’m gunna be hard on you - this is all mental and you are correct to feel disheartened. Skipping breakfast a few times a week isn’t gunna do hardly anything for you and if you are serious about losing the weight - your dedication needs to be truly evaluated?

Want to lose weight? Fast as long, hard, and often as you can. THAT is your schedule. Throw out 12:12, 16:8, etc. and just skip as many meals, snacks, drinks, calories etc as you can every day.


I was worried too because for as long as I can remember, I’ve been one of those “needs to eat right away in the morning” people. The first few days were definitely hard and I felt like I was starving at 7:30-8am so the first few days I just did as long as I could and when I felt like I just couldn’t go any longer, I’d eat. I didn’t want to feel so deprived and hungry that I would binge a big breakfast. After a few days it got WAY easier and I also started sleeping in until 7:30am (previously got up at 6:30) which helped because that hour is slept asleep and not consciously thinking about breakfast lol. I also find sipping on chamomile tea really helps (I can’t do black coffee) until it’s smoothie time around 9:45/10am.

Just ease into it. I promise you by about day 4-5 it doesn’t feel as hard. And during those first few days just listen to your body and don’t suffer through terrible hunger.


I got the auto-mod comment about Gin’s book. Yeah, she isn’t a doctor. All of her work is based on the work of Dr. Jason Fung who wrote the Obesity Code. I just found Gin’s book to be a much easier read. Either way, reading books that the experts have written on fasting is a great way to start. I find groups like this to be much more overwhelming because of the sheer number of opinions and suggestions. If you are feeling overwhelmed, get one book, read it, understand it, and try what it says. Then tweak from there if needed. Hope that helps!


It depends what kind of “benefit” you’re referring to. It can help you work towards the goal of doing it every day but in the meantime you most likely won’t experience most if any of the actual physical health benefits that can be achieved through fasting.

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