| | Water Fasting

My 6 day Water fast daily experience

Motivated by lecture-FASTING FOR SURVIVUAL by DR Pradip Jamnada, (World Famous Cardiac Surgeon) Starting my water fast to heal IBS daily stomach pain. #1 motivating FACT-No food will make gut use digestion energy to repair Gut damage. #2- Motivating Fact -Human Growth Hormones are increased an unbelievable 1000% by your Fasting body in just 2 days! (.1% HGH purchased HGH cost $500.) Fact #3 New Brain cells and NEW Stem cells are created in just 3/4 days fasting! Fact #4-All Cells are rejuvenated and weaker CANCER cells start to die within 3 days of water fast!

How Exciting! 11/19/2021 Day 1

Stop Fasting Alone.

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DAY 5-AM-Tuesday- Today I tried DR Bergs Original Electrolyte powder mostly for my Sodium Magnesium and Potassium lost during my water fast, After I had my water, I made a cup of green tea with the fast powder, Immediately threw up 5 times. Sore tummy 3 hour afterwards. Returned to Amazon for $32.00 full refund. Noticed more mental clarity yesterday and today. Just 1 day more to end my 6 day water Fast for Thankgiving dinner, Learned it is best to drink turkey broth Morning before big dinner.


Morning Saturday-This is November 20,2021- Day 2, The experts say this will be hardest day, I am prepared. I learned yesterday only drink GREEN TEA, as it contains an appetite suppressant! You may sprinkle a tiny amount of Himalayan sea salt in hot green tea if you feel headache or dizzy. It works immediately for proper electrolyte balance. Planning your day to keep busy helps keep your mind off food. I plan to go shopping for treasures at my favorite thrift stores to keep busy. I am looking forward to an empty Gut so my Miraculous body can start its healing my painful IBS! I have complete Faith Fasting will allow my Body to use its energy to heal! For the future, I plan to fast for 7 days 2 times a year. Only 6 days this time because I cook the THANKGIVING FEAST for my family in just 4 days. Too much temptation to taste the recipes! I will update every day and Any Tips are much appreciated!

and please comment any tips for me!


Evening Review DAY 2 Saturday of Water Fast Experienced-Low Energy, I relaxed in my easy chair all morning. My mind kept sending pictures of my favorite meals all day. However, I quickly shut them off by replacing with with thoughts of the healing benefits that will be coming inside my body with no food by 3d day. I regularly have a 30-60 minute Complete Rest in bed or Nap every day. This practice Rejuvenates my energy! UTUBE Fast Expert Research Scientist “Dr Valter Longo’ says ‘Brain will send a RESET SWITCH to all Body systems on The Third Day increasing stem cell production and adding more Immune cells!’ Something to look forward to tomorrow! Planned an afternoon outside trip to lowes to buy colorful houseplant flowers! Keep busy, Don’t get bored, or your mind will go to dangerous food thoughts.


Sunday AM-DAY 3- 11/23/21 Water Fast- This is the Magic Third day when the mind starts to protect you from starving by strengthening all body systems I am not hungry, but I am craving stimulation, A Hot bath helped a lot. I will figure out an outside trip this afternoon for distraction. I will report personal experience of Third day this evening.


11/21/21 Sunday evening-Tough Day, lots of food thoughts. low energy, stayed home. I tried a time released capsule of Magnesium and potassium, however it hurt my IBS sore stomach a lot. I will order the Fasting powder (Amazon)and mix it with 1 gallon pure water for a slower release. I am feeling much better on my 4th day! SEE MONDAY AM POST,


Monday AM-4th day! Feeling much better this am. Maybe the magnesium and Potassium time released capsule helped my energy level. Also my Mind is clear and sharp at this start of my day at 6am.

I have a Busy day today that will help my fasting. , CT scan at 10am and then I Need to pick up a Homeless friend from the hospital 1 hour away. I also need to Grocery shop for turkey wings, backs and legs for my gravy broth and stuffing on Thanksgiving! Try the Cornbread stuffing box mix, Easy and delicious with special rich broth! I add 2 T of chp jalapeno peppers, chp onion and celery and 2 pd browned crumbled Bob Evans sausages! I cook every year for a family feast and I keep notes every year for everyone’s favorite dish. I will invite a homeless friend for Thanksgiving dinner this year.

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Categories: water fast stomach pain digest energy weak sodium magnesium potassium tea dinner morning to fast tips evening magic corn