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Newbie question about IF and Working Out.

Hello. I’m relatively new to Intermittent Fasting. I started this journey at 267 about 3 weeks ago and I’m currently down to 260. Right now, I do 16/8 with my fasting window going from 1900 to 1100. I have been Lifting Weights with 20 min of Cardio from 0530-0630 before my wife goes to work. (I’m currently on paternity leave with 2 kiddos) My question is: is it ok not to eat until 1100 if I’m Lifting fairly heavy at 0530?

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So my understanding is yes, it’s fine to eat several hours later. I don’t have the study in front of me, but basically it concluded that overall nutrition was more important than timing when it came to recovery. The body still seeks out what it needs to repair itself hours if not up to a day later. The old idea that you need to flood the system with protein right after a workout wasn’t necessary.


According to a scientist I listened to who talks about what to do during fasting, I would say it’s imperative to drink tons of water and some electrolytes (smart water and unsweetened coconut water should be IF friendly). Just be aware of any issues like dizziness, headaches, body aches, and low blood sugar.

The only alternative I can think of if this form of fasting feels uncomfortable for you and your body is just to break your fast at 7 am and have your last meal at 3 pm. You don’t have to do 11-7 or 12-8. I read articles that said you can adjust your 8 hour eating window to your schedule. Again, you don’t have to listen to me. Do what works for you. I just want to help :)

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