| | Water Fasting

Officially in onederland. Need to work my but off to stay there

But dang, does it feel good to be below 200 again!

Honestly, omad has been my life saver. I’ve seen more progress, of course, from multiple day fasting, but at 199 I look pretty good, better than someone in the same situation without fasting, I’m sure. I don’t have love handles or weird leg fat near my knees, etc. Omad is the sculpting process, and multiple day fasting is a great way to get rid of fat so omad can do its job better.

Keep fasting, even if it’s just omad. You’re going to be tons healthier. Unexpected benefits will show up..Keep with it! Love you guys! Happy fasting!

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Congrats! I love that you are loving and celebrating yourself and yours accomplishments right now! And you are committing to keep on being your best self and working on you. Thanks for the inspiration and great work! You are worth it!

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