Hello! I just finished reading Dr. Fung’s The Obesity Code and really enjoyed it. Was curious for some of your takes on a dilemma I have.
I smoke cigarettes. I looked through some studies and found that cigarette smoking tends to be correlated with insulin resistance.
I’m very convinced of Dr. Fung’s argument and am curious if smoking will completely erase any weight loss benefits from fasting intermittently. Or if it will just cancel only some of the benefits. I’m not quite ready to quit yet, but this is the first thing in a while that has made me want to consider quitting. More so if smoking messes with insulin enough to negate the weight loss benefit of a fast.
What do you think? (I know I should quit but I’m mainly asking if nicotine’s effect on blood sugar/insulin is strong enough to make fasting pointless.)
good question!
my experience - i smoked for years while practicing various versions of IF, Keto, and other LC approaches. I got fantastic results. I considered smoking my dessert! I wouldn’t advocate this approach, but I would argue that smoking has minimal impact on body composition, and if you’re going to do something bad for you, doesn’t it make sense that you should do everything else healthily?