| | Water Fasting

Refeed with carbs after being dehydrated from dry fasting

Since every gram of carb fuses with 3 or 4 grams of water i know that drinking any liquid after eating carbs will increase my weight.

Protein (gluconeogenesis) and fats are also transformed into glycogen so even avoiding carbs you will produce glycogen and increase water weight as far as i know.

Can i stall weight if i eat after 1 day of dry fasting in which i am dehydrated and dont drink any additional water after?

There is no way my weight will increase right? My body will get water from the fat cells and will keep a linear weight loss, thats my assumption…

I am gonna test it hardcore in a few days, my weight already stall when i eat keto below 1000cal, but i am asking more for the scientific point of view thats why i mentioned carbs.

1 - Lets say i get full of clycogen and dont drink any water, my body will get water from fat cells.

2 - I exercise hardcore that day and burn all that stored glycogen.

3 - My body will release all that water and for it moved the water from inside fat stores to outside of them.

4 - If it works like this it seems like a way to release water from the body even faster and avoid the weight going up, being sure that it will only go down (even refeeding on carbs).

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Why do you care about the water weight? Are you a boxer that needs to cut weight to some magic number before his match? If not, what the scale tells you is really just a number. What matters more is body fat %, how good you feel, being in a good shape.


I believe that you guys are going to far on this, dry fast and eat, your weight will go up, when you finish next fasting your weight will be lower than the previous fasting, that’s the goal… Once you hit your goal add the weight you gain every reefed and dry fast that excess and you’re done… Like you want to be 80kg, every time you refeed you gain 3kg, so your last fasting should be when you hit 77/76kg. It’s a hard journey, don’t make it harder… Remember we got here because all of us have some problem being lack of willpower, depression, eating disorders… Making it harder you make easier for us to fail.


You could.

In fact I refed with keto foods and had a water weight stall anyway, but didn’t have the same stall when I refed with watery fruits, vegetables and protein. I’ve never refed on starchy carbs like rice, potatoes or pasta.

I chalk it up to the amount of food (amount of calories) you eat when refeeding.

Just try it and log your weight. If you gain 3 lbs overnight after a refeed, you can bet it’s not fat but water.

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Categories: carbs dry fasting weight loss keto refeeding magic body fat dry fast eating disorder fruit starch calories