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Is it ok to dry fast for 2-3 days, refeed to maintenance, and then dry fast again consistently?

Is it safe to do this for weight loss or is a different fasting protocol recommended for this purpose?

I was considering this approach because usually after 2.5 days, my mouth starts to feel and taste gross and I start feeling light-headed.

My current stats are F/4’10-4’11, SW: 117lbs CW: 109lbs GW: 92 lbs

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It’s possible but I wouldn’t recommend it if you’re experiencing dizziness in between. Hydration in between dry fasts is really important or you could cause a more serious long term dehydration. The light headedness you’re experiencing is my biggest concern - I’d recommend refeeding maybe two days before going back in. Listen to your body through it; that’s important most of all. Good luck!


You certainly can do it that way. After a few rounds your body will adapt to the lifestyle. Just refeed with hydrated foods. Fruits/vegetables blended smoothies, water only. Fruits to a minimum stay low carb. For continued weightloss.


No. You will develop health problems from continual dehydration and the shock to your hormones that dry fasting will induce. Do 1 2-3 day dry fast, then eat healthy and exercise if you want to lose weight.


I treat dry fasting as an extra challenge for my body when I go 2-3 days, and usually only do one every month or so, and I’m 6’0” and 260 with a lot to lose. Being smaller I’d probably be more careful on getting dehydrated.


I wouldn’t do this for too long but to reach your goal it could work. Your refeeding days would obviously begin with water and slowly introduce food. Kind of a hassle but it’s never easy. During my refeeds I drink water, eat foods high in phosphorous (meats), eat food with potassium while avoiding fruit as its high in sugar (most people have negative side affects but it varies person to person imo). I use a magnesium scrub weekly so I absorb it that way. Low carb in my refeed and generally I’m good to go :) if you have the body fat to sustain it and you feel good during it, just make sure you’re listening to your body. My doctor knows about my fasts as well as an extra precaution personally (I have no pre-existing health conditions).

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