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Things I have learned while doing IF and OMAD, tips and suggestions inside.

Tips for weight loss and Intermittent Fasting.


⁃ Fast 18hrs with 6hr eating window.

⁃ Fast 16hrs with 8hr eating window.

⁃ Fast 20hrs with 4hr eating window(more lenient on what you can eat within your 4hrs).

⁃ Eat 1x per day, not recommended for starting out with.

⁃ Don’t eat after 7pm.

⁃ Limit sugar to less than 10g per day, if you can do less then do so.

⁃ Increase water consumption, a lot.

⁃ Count your carbs, especially when starting out.

⁃ Fat will provide you energy just as well as carbs will, it’s about teaching your body this difference over time.

⁃ Stay consistent, eat at the same time(s) every day so your body/hunger become scheduled.

⁃ Increase protein consumption.

⁃ Increase vegetable consumption, frozen or fresh doesn’t matter.

⁃ Meal prep to make eating more straight forward. It’s easier to stay disciplined if your meal(s) are made beforehand and all you have to do is warm up as opposed to raiding the pantry/fridge when very hungry.

⁃ Take your time and don’t get frustrated. There is a learning curve to everything in life and this is no different. Your body will need time to adjust to these schedules.

⁃ You’re not competing in a fitness competition, this is about day to day progress. Not starving yourself for quick results that you will most likely rebound from in a few days to a week.

I started out doing 18/6 then switched to 20/4 fasting window while doing 1 meal/day 4x/wk. My beginning weight was 220lbs and I am now 180lbs. I wasn’t perfect through this process and there is no need for you to expect perfection from yourself either. Weight fluctuates day to day so do NOT get into a serious relationship with the scale. Judge your success(es) by how well you adhere to your fasting and eating windows, how your clothes are fitting and how you FEEL. I didn’t weigh myself once until I found I had hit 180lbs.

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This is AWESOME. I’m doing OMAD during the weekdays based on 18:6, but mostly over 20. The hard part is the weekends. I try not to over eat, but have gained a couple pounds during a couple weekends. I was debating about being strict OMAD EVERYDAY, but I KNOW that’s a recipe for me giving up. What I found that I think will work is when my fast starts Sunday, go approx 48 hours into Tuesday. I just broke my fast this afternoon and actually lost 2-3 pounds over the weekend versus gain. I’m pretty sure I can do this MOST weeks but won’t be upset if I don’t. Thoughts?

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