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Lost my OMAD momentum - any tips

TL:DR - lost momentum on OMAD (after 1.5 years and weight loss), keep struggling but trying to return, and wanting pointers / advice

I was on OMAD from March 2020, until September 2021, and i lost circa 12 kgs. I had a winter 2MAD for 3 months during that period which slowed things.

Since September, i have had a few things happen which have resulted in meal times being screwed, i slipped into 2MAD in October, and in November briefly got back to OMAD and then now back at 3 times a day. Weight has gone up as a result.

my main is lunch during OMAD, and i find it easy to cut breakfast usually. However as i keep trying to get back to OMAD, i keep eating high calorie lunches, and then falling for dinner (with breakfast most days at moment)

I keep trying to get back to OMAD but seem to be struggling, looking for any tips as i loved the weight loss, but also loved the energy of OMAD.


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Busy hands are happy hands. When I struggle with maintaining a OMAD, I know this may sound dumb, I do something else instead of lunch. Take an hour long walk at lunch or play a video game to keep my mind off of it. Then after a week or so, I am back in the routine of a OMAD schedule… Make it a routine and it will get easier again..


I’d try just moving breakfast back an hour every few days until it over laps with lunch, then start bringing dinner forward every few days by an hour or so.

I’ve always found small steps each day works a lot better than just jumping into it.


How much did you gain back? I’m curious because I started OMAD in mid-October (took all weekends off) and lost about 20lbs - but was also exercising every day. I took about 6 days off and put on 2 lbs (and wasn’t really exercising). I’m sure some is water weight. OMAD fits perfectly into my life and leaves me feeling so less bloated throughout the day. I’d like to stick with it indefinitely but know I’ll have times where it doesn’t work (holiday, social events, vacations). I’m trying not to look at it as a diet and more of a lifestyle. I love a good dinner and feel I don’t have to deprive myself saving OMAD for dinner.

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Categories: omad tips weight loss struggling lunch dinner energy struggle tea