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What foods are your super foods / and what are kryptonites?

Title says, looking to learn what foods make you feel best and give great energy / digestion, what are the opposite.

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My staple is baked potatoes with grass fed butter. Usually I eat 2-6 russets or golds, but sometimes sweet potatoes or yams, everyday. Prebiotic af. I cook + chill + reheat to convert more resistant starch.

My superfood A is cabbage. Nearly every day I have a quarter or a half of a green or purple cabbage, usually as a roasted “cabbage steak” but sometimes curried over rice. My superfood B is broccoli sprouts, usually blended with OJ. Sulphoraphane. My superfood B is beets, usually blended with apple juice. Nitric oxide.

My kryptonite would probably just be like, forgetting to eat. Idk I don’t keep eating things that make me sick, except pastries and stuff when I’m being dumb. So maybe pastries, but outcome is not terminal usually just sleepy and spacey for a few hours.


Kimchi! Probiotic and goes with anything as a side. A head of napa cabbage will make like a gallon of homemade stuff. You can also throw anything (veggie or fruit) in it to keep the volume high. I’d definitely recommend the Joshua weissman yt vid to start if you’re curious!


For me it’s fish, beef, and potatoes as the best ones. I always feel so full, satisfied, and better mentally and emotionally. The bad ones are gluten, too much cheese, and soda (gives me bad acid reflux).


my superfoods are beef, chicken, kale, onions and garlic

cashews are my kryptonite. i want them so bad and i also miss cheese terribly but can’t digest it anymore and every vegan cheese is made from cashews, which i can’t digest either, but somehow i’ll end up eating the cashew crap instead?? make it make sense!


I don’t have any ‘good food’ which gives me noticible physical benefits such as increased energy and vitality, foods which feel healthy, but I am allergic to cabbage which I suppose is my kryptonite. It tastes like straight chilli lmao, then the tingling numbness and tightness kick in… hmm, not a good idea. It’s an acquired allergy too so you have no idea how sad it was to let go of coleslaw. I’m a slut for a good coleslaw.


Salmon, shrimp, halibut. Most seafood, but particularly salmon for some reason. My body and stomach love it! Also boiled eggs, roast beef, ham. Basically all the protein. I definitely can’t be a vegetarian or vegan even if I wanted to be. But I also love roasted veggies, especially potatoes and cauliflower.


I thrive on grass fed beef and pastured eggs. I completely turned around some health conditions that my doctor said were genetic, by going on a low carb high fat animal based diet. I eat lots of things, but beef and eggs are what satiate me the most and make me feel incredible.





Chia seeds. I have a medication that causes constipation, and chia seeds are the only fiber source I’ve found so far that helps with that. Metamucil, flax seeds, etc., only seem to worsen the problem.

The worst food is that American pasteurized processed cheese product, aka, Velveeta. I feel so sick after eating it and it gives me explosive diarrhea combined with horrible sweats and a racing heart. I literally feel like I’m dying on the toilet afterwards.



Oats, fresh berries, chicken, lean(ish) beef, fish, all potatoes, avocado, flax seeds, farro, Skyr, most vegetables


Full fat dairy (except grassfed butter), fatty beef(I can’t digest it at all even though I LOVE it), spinach(I may be mildly allergic idk), and Oreos (only because if they’re in front of me, i WILL devour the entire box)…


one of my go to meals when i prep is:

mash potatoes

salmon filet cooked in the oven

broccoli and peas


and then some rum sauce.


ive noticed i feel great hours after eating it lol

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