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What times does everyone do their fasting?

I do 16:8 and skip breakfast, it’s working very well for me, I don’t feel any hunger and since my meals are very close, I’m not very hungry for dinner.

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I’ve done a mix of OMAD and extended fasting. Right now, I’m fasting on the weekdays and eating without restriction on the weekends. I’m nearing my goal weight so I’ll switch back to OMAD soon (dinners for me) and ultimately stay at 18:6 or 16:8 to maintain— whatever ends up working for me


I usually eat between 12 and 6 or 2 and 8 depending on my work pattern. I fast from Thursday lunch until Sunday dinner too. So far it’s been working well for me.

I’m not a breakfast person so the major change during the week was cutting out evening snacking. Took a week or so to get used to but i don’t miss it now.


23:1 with my eating window in the morning so that the worst of my hunger is when I’m asleep. Just some friendly advice from somebody who made a mistake, don’t start with 23:1, build up to it, lmao. First month was hell.


Weekdays I fast anywhere from 18-20 hours. I drink black coffee all morning and get really busy with meetings and calls at work. I break my fast with a healthy meal some time after 2:30. Then I always eat dinner at 6 and start my fast at 6:30. Weekends I’m much more lax, fasting until at least 10:30 (16 hours) no snacks, dinner is always at the same time because my kids take a bath at 6:30 and in bed by 7:30. I like the varied fasting schedule, I don’t feel deprived and I think it keeps my metabolism up from the higher calorie days.


I started at 14:10 in October and worked up to 23:1 in March. Since then I have one meal a day, usually lunch, but the gap between meals changes every day. On very few days, I have two meals, so the gap ranges from 16-39 hours in between (only did 39 once while I was trying ADF).


I am trying to break my fast in the mornings, on an 18:6 schedule. My little kids get up so early and all I want is some coffee.with cream to start my day. Being done around lunch works out fine for me so far, about a month in. I am tired in the evenings, too, because they are so energetic. I think this works well with my metabolism overall.


I have an eating window from 3PM-8PM on normal days and then do full day fasts on Mondays and Thursdays. Usually on normal fast days I’ll have lunch and dinner only with no snacking (I’m focusing on weight loss).


I’m working on losing weight, and I’m eating OMAD, my meal is at dinner about 6:00 pm. Once a week I skip dinner to get about a 46 hour fast and once a month skip two dinners to get about a 70 hour fast.

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Categories: dinner omad extended fasting lunch evening snack eating window morning sleep coffee fasting schedule one meal a day weight loss losing weight