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Why have I stopped losing weight on OMAD? Help! Updated*

I am 35, weighing about 261lbs as of today. When I started OMAD on Nov 16, I was 286. I’ve been eating around 1500 calories a day and was losing close to a pound or more a day, but since last week, I’ve bee stuck at 261 - 262. Im on a 23.5 hoir fast, with hslf an hour eating window. I haven’t changed anything expect for the fact I started drinking bubly(3 cans) during the day.

Any suggestions?

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A week isn’t a stall. Weight loss isn’t a linear process. I’ve often been hung up at a set point for a week or two, then things move rapidly again. At 260 and 1500 cal, you’re running a big deficit… You’re down 25 lb already, that isn’t all water. Just keep it steady for a bit.


It seems you lost about 10% of your body weight. If you google “set point weight 10%” you will see that the body is only comfortable losing about 10% at a time. It is like stretching a rubber band, you can only stretch it so far before it breaks, but if you keep it stretched for a bit, it gets used to being stretched and you can stretch it even further later.

If, in a couple of months, you don’t lose anymore, I would try alternate day fasting for a week or two just to shake things up. Your body may have gotten too used to your schedule and could be needing a day of higher intake.


You need to disrupt the rhythm your body is on. Many ways to do this.. I stick to two methods: extend my fast to a minimum of 36 hours (down a lot of water if you do this) and go to a 16:8/18:6 for a couple of days and eat two small meals during eating window. One thing you might want to consider is lowering caloric intake from 1500 to 1000 if you still want to keep up with OMAD and not eat two small meals. I’ve been on OMAD since June but also took up a keto diet keeping my carb intake below 20g a day. From 287 to 215 right now. I just got over a plateau that lasted a good month by going through a 48 hour water fast. In my opinion, you should keep eating your one meal a day and see where you’re at in another week, but lower your caloric intake. The most effect way of losing weight is putting yourself in a calorie deficit, and that only happens if you exercise and burn the calories or eat less. This is my general understanding of what it really takes to lose weight.. I’m sure I butchered some things here and there. And what works for me may not work for you, but it’s worth trying if it means disrupting the rhythm your body is on so you can still continue making progress. Trust the process though!

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Categories: losing weight omad calories eating window weight loss deficit tea alternate day fasting keto water fast one meal a day lose weight