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Why junk food is bad for you?

Is it “more” bad because it’s in itself harmful? Or because it’s fills you out and prevent you from eating nutritious food?

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Controversial hot take here but junk food isn’t bad. Nor is there any bad foods. There are some more nutritious foods and some less nutritious foods. Junk food is usually high in calories and low in nutrients and hence is probably not a good idea to eat all the time but is totally fine to have as part of a varied diet.

Demonising foods is actually a great way to get disordered eating tendencies


“Junk” food will typically be high calorie, high Saturday fat and/or high in sugar while often being nutritionally lacking. This means you will quite easily exceed the healthy level of calories, sugar and saturated fats without giving your body all of the nutrients it needs for ideal bodily functions


Junk food is “bad” because it’s very low in nutrient density. So, for the amount of calories you’re taking in you’re not getting viable amounts of protein, micronutrients, etc.

What this means is that you’re still going to be nutritionally starved despite having enough calories in your body. It’s why when eating a lot of junk food, you still feel hungry and unfulfilled even after a whole bag of Doritos despite the fact that your stomach is probably full to feeling sick.


It is soaked in toxic seed oils, high fructose corn syrup, preservative chemicals, pesticides from the wheat, hormones and antibiotics from the meat. All while spiking your dopamine in just a way that you get a very short lived high that you chase and diminishes the more you try! At least it tastes nice tho! 👍


Aside from the normal hideous sugars and fats you have a lot of preservatives that stop the normal digestive enzymes to unfortunately not work so well .issues like diabetes show up when your bodies systems I.E in this case the pancreas is over working itself to rid your body of preservative substances that it was never designed to break down.


Junk food is full of fatty acids and cholesterol and weak in nutrition. Some of it also may cause various cancers. Junk food is also associated with cardiovascular diseases, gastroenternal issues and more.But, if you eat low amount of it, and combine it with vegetables and fruit, the risk is low.


It’s not just the caloric count (misconception that all calories are the same. It’s not) and lack of nutritional content.

Many of them cause inflammation in the body and puts stress on your liver. Check out topics like advanced glycation which happens when you consume too much fructose as an example

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Categories: calories disorder sugar nutrition stomach sick oil corn meat digest diabetes weak cardio fruit stress liver