Male, 59yo, married 29 years, two grown children. Im back to 324, i was down to 286 in july. I guess im a stress eater. Between being in the hospital 4 times last year for pneumonia, afib and heart surgery, my mil passing away in august and dealing with my mom, struggling with Parkinson’s disease( 7yrs), and living with us, now everyone in my family is sick with colds etc. Im surprised im not back to 380. We were in the process of redoing our kitchen, and getting a new roof on the house too.
I made homemade biscuits ( equal parts self rising flour and heavy whipping cream) made small biscuits and package mix biscuit gravy. Ate a small biscuit snd 3 tbl gravy. Now supper will be meatloaf, sautéed asparagus and steamed carrots.
That will be the extent of my eating today.
Supper is usually at 4:30 so im doing a 16/8 fasting. Working my way to omad.
Wish me luck.
Jesus that’s a lot to be managing all at once. I’m not surprised the stress has exacerbated weight regain… sorry you’re having to deal with all that at once.
Good for you for hopping back on the wagon! Enjoy your delicious supper and don’t forget to find some satisfying zero calorie drinks for your fasting window—helps me to feel less like “food’s done, that’s the extent of my intake for the day” when I’m still looking forward to cracking a cold can of lime sparkling water. 😋
Stress can make us do weird things. Some of us are better equipped to handle it than others. However, great thing is not only you realize you are on the wrong side of the weighing scale but you are determined and have the will to fix this tilt. And that says a lot about you. Keep at it Brother.