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Advice for getting back on track after losing momentum?

I’ve done several 48-72 hour fasts since August - lost a total of 25 pounds at my lowest weight, but have struggled mightily since Thanksgiving to get back on track and my weight has bounced up nearly 10 pounds (definitely some water weight). I’ve been trying to re-commit to a 36-hour fast this week just to get some momentum and I keep breaking down. I know it’s totally a mental game and the solution is simple, but would love to hear any advice, strategies or mindsets that have helped you claw your way back on track. I am proud of myself for, at the very least, continuing to try because in years past I would have treated the period between Thanksgiving and New Years as a free-for-all and done real damage to my health. The first step is admitting I could use some help - so help, fellow fasting redditors. Any advice?

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This was me two weeks ago! I went on vacation and then got a Covid booster so I took almost a month off. Even doing a 24 hour fast felt like torture. What I did was start again by doing OMAD for a week, tracking my calories to make sure I wasn’t going crazy. Now that I’ve activated the fasting muscle again I’m increasing my fasting by 24 hours at a time. I’m almost done with a 72 and it’s a struggle but only 24 hours to go until the meal I’ve been salivating over for 48 hours. It was really encouraging to drop a lot of water weight on my first 24 hour fast (almost 3 pounds). It reminded me why I started fasting in the first place, because nothing else is as effective for me to lose weight! Good luck!


I’m out of town for a week with the family around Christmas. Between now and the new year, I’m trying to OMAD as much as possible, avoid sugar unless it’s something seasonal (Pumpkin pie/Apple Pie), stay away from garbage and/or not overdo it.

I have a schedule of fasting laid out for Jan/Feb and will tighten up to finish my journey to goal weight by spring.

There’s nothing wrong with TEMPORARY adjustments and setbacks. You/Someone have been fat/unhealthy for years - why expect perfection for a small window of time?

Everyone is worried about electrolytes and salt when fasting, and what you need to make sure you add is a dash of GRACE and FORGIVNESS - after all, it’s the reason for the season!


You gotta setup a routine and stick to it, that might be the only way, honestly. Something like 5:2, ADF, OMAD, or rolling fasts. Doing one offs every now and then makes it too easy to push them off and forget about them, so consistency is key!


You should honestly fast 10, 15, or even 20 pounds lower than your goal everyday weight, IMO. Water weight, and a little weight from eating again and just holding food and waste in your body, come back by default. It can feel like you lost lots of progress, when you didn’t actually do anything wrong.


Keep the body guessing. Too much fasting will make your body want to adapt and slow down the metabolism.

Also, (not for the faint of heart) consider a carnivore diet where you basically stuff yourself with meat one day and then don’t eat again until you’re hungry.

Consider lowering stress levels and upping sleep quality. Easier said than done of course.

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Categories: 72 hour fast struggle mindset 24 hour fast omad calories muscle lose weight sugar electrolytes heart meat stress sleep