Cold hard cash.
I’m gonna save $100 on groceries this month. Not eating as much, bring less booze andfewer nachos, and a generally mindful approach to grocery shopping.
It’s good.
My unexpected benefit was not panicking when hungry, but shockingly, also not feeling hyper-virtuous about not eating.
I’m not saving any grocery money, family still has to eat, and as I’m maintaining not cutting, eating about the same calories just healthier meal timing.
Yes! So much $ savings! It’s making me rethink how I spend now. Since my grocery bill is so much less, I can afford better quality meat (locally raised, grass fed, etc.) and I’m supplementing a lot of my meals with more veggies as well.
the best damn thing about OMAD/fasting for me is reducing the amount of time, energy and money I otherwise spend on food. When it’s just one meal per day, I don’t have to plan shit out, I buy SOOOOO much less, it’s just easier