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Any advice for quitting sugar

One of my goals for this year it to quit sugar, however I find it so hard. Any tips on how to quit it?

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I recommend substituting added processed sugar with natural sugar found in foods like fruit and sweet potatoes. They will satisfy your sweet tooth but won’t spike your blood sugar because of the fiber and other important nutrients that come with them. Dates in particular are very sweet and caramel like but are amazing for you


Hey, kudos for making this a goal. Here are a few tips:

-Steadily decrease your intake. You don’t have to cut it out all at once if it’s too hard. Work on it and you will eventually get to where you’re consuming little to no added sugars.

-Chew a little gum. I found this helped me when I worked on decreasing intake.

-Like sodas/sugar sweetened drinks? Try diet. Stevia sweetened drinks are great!

-Watch added sugars in foods. Check your nutrition labels. You would be surprised by how many foods you wouldn’t expect to have sugar, have sugar.

-Incorporate more fruits in your diet.

-Love chocolate? Try dark chocolate.

Hope these tips help.


This is tough love but it really does help to go cold turkey with sugar. Even using substitutes still drives the craving for sugar and makes it harder to avoid. Cutting it out means you’ll go through withdrawals for a few days but after that you’ll feel much more in control and able to avoid it.

Sugar is very drug like for our bodies… and you wouldn’t tell someone trying to quit some sort of drug to consciously cut back… it’s too hard (for the majority). Same with sugar… it’s hard at first but does get easier!


I drink ice water with lemon when I craving sugar

there is diet soda/eat sugarfree candy if you get a sugar craving

diet soda or sugarfree candy is really bad for you, but if its once in a while to fight off a sugar craving & you’re eating healthy otherwise I think the trade off is worth it.

or even better, replace the artificial stuff with something like carrot and peanut butter, fresh/dried fruit, chocolate covered nuts, etc.

source and type of sugar matters, fructose from an orange is much healthier than refined sugar in a baked good.


Replacement therapy is usually a good option. Replacing refined sugar options with more naturally sweet options like organic honey, dates, sweet potato mash etc. And overtime your taste profile and affinity for refined sugar will tend to decrease along with cravings.


Last year , i had a very bad experience eating too much sweets on a single day and ending up in a big anxiety attack . After that , i stopped taking sugar in my tea and now I have completely stopped taking sugar in my intakes , in any form.Try it for few days, curb your cravings and you will be all set in some time at least 1 month . After that , make it a habit not to venture back.


I went cold turkey OP. I hate the taste of fake sugar and sugar substitutes so I just cut it out. I do the occasional square of dark (72%+) chocolate but I haven’t had added sugar besides that. I don’t really miss it to be honest.


Hello! I did a no added sugar challenge and one of the desserts i kept going back to was blended banana with cocoa powder. You can even freeze this (or blend in frozen bananas). It really helped in the initial days, and even my brother whose sweet tooth is bigger than mine liked it. Definitely give this a try. I also made a cake for a relative of mine using this blended cocoa and banana mixture, it was sort of like a cheesecake: i crushed sugar free crackers with butter for the biscuit base and set it with the blended banana cocoa, and topped it with berries. It looked super fancy and tasted amazing too!And of course, dates are truly heavenly!


After like a month of not eating sugar you won’t even crave it anymore but for me the hardest part was avoiding it in social settings. When I hang out with my friends I feel like I have to eat sugary foods because I don’t want them to think I’m weird and because I’m vegan sometimes the only food they will have for me is something with lots of added sugar.


What has worked for me is to always drink water with meals , don’t buy sugary foods and keep then at home, and drink coffee without sugar. I know it is hard but remind yourself how sugar makes u look bad , how sugar makes u feel bad , how sugar keeps you from your ideal and healthy self . It is ok to eat sweets every now and then but make sure to remind yourself whenever you eat some that this is a treat and not a staple . Good luck in your journey.


Sugar is everywhere. Getting as much out of your diet as you can is the right way. But- it’s hard. Allow for some sugar bc like I said- it’s literally everywhere! Especially in these so called ‘healthy’drinks- etc… good luck- you will feel much better!


Just quit. The only thing stopping you is your own laziness. Understand that you and only you can make that choice, and make the commitment to never go back. If you fully invest in it; you can make it, thinking otherwise is a sign of weakness.

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Categories: sugar tips fruit blood sugar fiber tea soda nutrition habit coffee weak