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Anyone with experience in "one drink a day" dry fasting?

The title is a bit of a misnomer…what I mean is this:

Has anyone done intermittent dry fasting where you dry fast for 20 to 24 hours, then have a re-hydrating period where only water is consumed for a few hour window - no food - before repeating the dry fast for another however many hours and keeping that cycle up for a week or more?

Curious if this is easier to do than just straight dry fasting, if it’s more dangerous, more effective, whatever the case may be. Thanks to all that reply.

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Not exactly a one drink a day.But we had ramadan about a month back.I was doing an intermittent 16:8 - 15:9 of dry and wet fasting, for perhaps 10-12 days out of the 30 days.

It was basically a 3-5 day protocol.Follow the intermittent dry and wet fast, followed by a couple of days of re-feeding.Rinse and repeat.Worked out pretty decently.



The guy practiced “One drink a day” and got interesting results.

That’s an intermediate that can still be considered to be in the realm of (intermittent) dry fasting.


I see only downside. I mean, if you buy into the benefits of dry fasting vs water fasting, then drinking water, regardless of the time window, will negate those benefits. Water consumption= you’re not doing a dry fast. Can’t imagine it being more effective- just the opposite. Easier? For me, the discipline and “I can do this” gets me through. Building in cheats or hedges blows up that mindset and encourages failure (IME).

My every day is 20/4 and 50% of the days (non workout days) are dry except for the 4 hour feeding window. If you hydrate during those 4 hours, it’s not difficult at all. Caveat: if my work were labor intensive or I was back in the military, it would obviously be impractical. But working on a computer, indoors, it’s easy.

I’m a prolonged dry fasting newb; as I just did my first (96 hours). As I outline in my post, the dry fast was actually (surprisingly) easier than the 72 hour water fasts I’ve done. Not that I’m looking forward to my next (6 day) dry fast (It’ll suck- duh); but I’m confident I can do it.


I’ve done similar variation of the same…

Rolling 48 hour dry fasts with rehydrating on piss in a 15 min window at the end of 48 hours and repeating it again..Did that 3-4 times in a row and now I look better in pictures even if people put filters on their pics to make their face glow.. I glow from within, 1000 times brighter than even pregnant women lol..

PS: Drinking water is NOT hydration…

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