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Can you die from a water only fast at 210+ pounds for 30+ days

To add I’m a male with no health issues

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Yes you can absolutely die especially if you are not an experienced faster.

If you want to fast start small. You are pretty ok to build up from 2 days slowly. Learn about electrolytes. You should always break your fast if you feel anything other than hunger. If you feel any pain or discomfort you should immediately break your fast. Remember we do this to get healthier. Risking your health for long fasts if the opposite for that. Once you are an experienced faster 30 days won’t be that much of a biggie but lets get to that point slowly.

I’d do one meal a day for a couple days a week first then build up from that. Maybe try 2 days a couple times so on .


Have you done any research? There are definitely dumb ways to fast that can be pretty dangerous. There are also sensible ways to fast that can be extremely healing. I’m currently on day 9 of a fast, my longest fast was 46 days, and I’ve done quite a few other fasts of various lengths. Like you, I have plenty of stored food on my body so “starving” isn’t a fear.

There are plenty of other factors that could make fasting risky. Best bet is to learn about fasting. Dr. Fung is a great resource, he has tons of videos on YouTube, a website, and a great book about the topic.


Yes if you don’t take proper electrolytes & eat any carb when you refeed, you can die of refeeding syndrome (I almost died of refeeding as an athlete at 13 yrs old it is very real I assure you please do ur research) I am very pro fast so it can be done but please have medical supervision & be diligent about taking electrolytes front the beginning

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