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Daily Fasting Check-in!

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Type of fast waterContext of fast usually 20:00-17:00Length of fast 21-22h but sometimes 36Why? What you hope to accomplish with your fastTo lose weight Notes How is it going so far? Any concerns? Insights to share?When i was on sick leave due to broken collarbone it was very easy to do fasting. I went from 72kg to 66.5kg.I could then just sleep through if I’m hungry Now I’m back at work and basically I’m staring all over again.it much more difficult to be consistent. . Currently at 68kg🙄 and now I’m doing 36h fast. At least I’m not hungry during current fast so that’s a plus.


Type of fast: Water & black coffee this morning for breakfast

Context: I stopped eating at 7:30 last night and don’t eat again until 11:30 this morning.

Length: Just doing the 16:8 method so its a 16 hour fast.

Why?: I noticed I had gained about 15 pounds recently. Although I was overweight to begin with, I’ve been the same consistent weight since I was 13 and I’m now 26. I’m 5’3 and have always been around 155 pounds although ideally I’d probably like to be somewhere in the 130 range. And because my weight has always been consistent, gaining any more weight had me kinda worried. I already didn’t eat breakfast but I struggle with not eating tons of snacks after dinner, so I’m mainly doing it to form good eating habits and try to lose a few pounds along the way and so far it hasn’t been too difficult!

Notes: Its going okay so far. I’ve only been doing IF for like a week but I’ve been really consistent. The past few days I’ve been off track because we had an emergency with my dog over the weekend. They had a comfort station at the ER vet with tons of snacks. We were there until 3am and not stress eating was really difficult. I didn’t eat anything though and managed to just have a black coffee to keep me going so I’m pretty proud of myself! I need to find ways to eat more protein later in the day though so I get less hungry during my fasts overnight/the next morning. So that’s what I’ll be thinking about this next week.


Type: Water and Black Coffee

I’m hoping to do my first 18:6! I started at 5 pm yesterday and am trying to hit 12 pm today.

Why: Trying to have a better relationship with food. Current 190 at 5’8 so I’m overweight. Intermittent let’s me eat what I want without the guilt of over indulgence. I can have a high calorie meal and still stay within my macros.

Note: First week was tough. Took a break during the weekend and now I feel like I can accomplish a 18:6!

I’m still super obsessed with the thought of food. I’m trying to concentrate on work and I am starting to daydream about lunch. Kind of annoying but I guess this is my body getting use to this new schedule.


In the middle of my first 42 hour water/ coffee fast, had a tsp of coconut oil and salt in my coffee this morning too. 22 hours in, ending tomorrow morning at 8. Hoping to get to goal weight quickly, and metabolize some extra skin and connective tissue. Last fast over the weekend was 36 hours, and I had a terrible headache throughout. This time, trying to stay on top of my salt and have a bit of coconut oil when I feel like I need it, maybe once more before bed. No headache so far.

My dad died yesterday, and it’s been helping me a lot to fast and I feel grounded and zen about everything. Wish everyone well today with their fasts and self care.


Question. I’m doing the 16 hr fasting. Done nights I eat at 5. Some nights at 8. But still doing the 16 hr fast the next day. Question is - does it matter? Do I need to stay at not eating past 5 every night? Or can that change to 8 some nights. With still a 16 hr fasting period. So nights I eat at 5 I don’t eat until 9 or 10. And nights I eat at 8 next day I do not eat until 12…

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Categories: lose weight sick do fasting sleep coffee morning 16 hour fast overweight struggle snack dinner habits stress intermittent macro lunch oil to fast