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does intermittent fasting actually work for weight and fat loss?

im 17, and im really trying to take control of my life and i need to lose weight because i’m overweight and not happy with myself. im thinking of trying the 16:8 fasting method, is this a good way to go? and what are the “rules” to it? only drink water in the 16 window?

im 17, 5’1 and 70kg. i’ve tried for so long to lose weight different ways and this one sounds promising

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Hi OP, you may want to also check out r/intermittentfasting :)While I’ve had great results with IF, it’s important to be in a calorie deficit. If you binge/over eat during your feeding window, it’s not going to work. Just think of it as an easy way to eliminate needless calories (for example, late night snacking) and you should see results.


16:8 has worked for me in a sustainable way. Minus holidays and a couple night out with friends or date night with my SO, keeping my “eating window” closed after 7PM has 100% eradicated my big issue which is snacking mindlessly while watching TV after work and dinner.

Keep in mind that 16:8 is all you need, as long as you’re consistent. Within the eight hours though, don’t consider the window a free-for-all ha ha. You still need to eat less calories than you expend. You simply get to have two bigger meals than you would otherwise if you were going to eat allllll day. It’s so nice to feel full while losing weight.


To lose weight, you need to eat less calories than you burn, aka Calories In Calories Out (r/CICO.) IF helps a lot of people do that, but it definitely is not necessary. I prefer plain old CICO by using a cheap kitchen scale and a free app like MyFitnessPal. Almost 50 pounds lost so far.


This is the only thing that has worked for me. I eat food from 4:00-8:00pm everyday. Water, crystal lite, and coffee in between. I’m not hungry, and I’ve lost 50 lbs so far. Download an app called Zero (it’s free). I can’t exercise much (severe joint pain), but IF works. Love it.


Yes! I’ve done 16:8 and lost 20 pounds but just doing that alone. It helped my late night snacking and gives me something consistent! Been doing it for over a year now and it’s something I don’t think of ever stop doing


It works for me. My advice: start slow. Start doing 16:8 and don’t worry a thing about what you’re eating. Cookies, whatever. Start eating clean a bit later, like 2 weeks in. Eventually, you can think about doing 18:6. That’s what I did and it was great.


Yes. As long as you follow CICO ie eat fewer calories than you’ve lost. I’ve gained weight on IF/OMAD because I would just binge on junk food, and hence exceed my daily calories for my TDEE. I tried 5:2 initially (500kcals two days of the week, “normal” calories remainder of the week) and then expanded the “normal days” to IF (so still 500kcals for two days of the week; 16:8 remainder of the week).

I learned to not eat just because I became peckish. I learned what it meant to be hungry. I learned to stop eating when I was satiated rather than continue to eat to clear my plate or finish that pizza.


Yes. As long as you follow CICO ie eat fewer calories than you’ve lost. I’ve gained weight on IF/OMAD because I would just binge on junk food, and hence exceed my daily calories for my TDEE. I tried 5:2 initially (500kcals two days of the week, “normal” calories remainder of the week) and then expanded the “normal days” to IF (so still 500kcals for two days of the week; 16:8 remainder of the week).

I learned to not eat just because I became peckish. I learned what it meant to be hungry. I learned to stop eating when I was satiated rather than continue to eat to clear my plate or finish that pizza.


Check out the do fasting app ands do the quiz. It’ll give you a plan and tell you how long it’ll take to reach your goal. It’s pretty cool. Good luck!

*ETA I’m doing 18:6 method. I eat from 10-4 and its working great for me.

Plus walking about 1hr a day.


Intermittent fasting can and has worked for some, but please please please consult with a doctor before doing so!! If you have any number of underlying medical issues, diagnosed or not, it can be dangerous. I’m one of those people with several health issues that make IF a medically dangerous diet, and I’ve had at least six doctors and several dieticians explicitly tell me not to even think about intermittent fasting. Any serious dietary changes comes with its own risks and potential side effects, and it’s really important to listen to your body as you make changes. Just simply tracking all of your incoming calories on an app like MyFitnessPal, and working towards a calorie deficit will result in weight loss, and if taking on a proper caloric deficit does not result in weight loss over say a six month period, again, check in with a doctor and figure out what’s up!! People with weight issues also tend to be disproportionately likely to have underlying medical issues on top of the psychological problems that lead to excessive weight gain, and above all it’s important to keep track of your overall health while undergoing any major body changes! Especially at your age, your brain is still developing, and it’s really important you do this right, and do it healthfully. It’s how you’ll set your self up for a happier and healthier quality of life for your entire adult life, so don’t overlook the little stuff while it’s still easy to care for!!


I do a 12/12 (really works out to a 20/4 due to my work schedule and sleep schedule)

I’ve found it helps me not over eat and I feel full longer. Not sure if it’s a psychological thing or what. It also stops me snacking at work, so that’s a plus. Combined with trying to only drink water and I’ve gone from 550 to 350. Now to lose the last 150 to get down to 200… but tbh I’ll probably not get lower than 250, I’m pretty muscular too plus large frame.


I works but before you go into it I recommend understanding establishing a healthy balanced diet and exercise routine. I also expect you to look into increasing your HGH levels and take advantage of its effects. Do it now.

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