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Experiences with weight loss in your first 2 weeks?

Hi Team,

I just wondered what people’s experiences have been with weight loss in the first 2 weeks of 16:8 IF?

Is it instant results? If not, how long would you expect before results begin?

I have been consuming around 1800 calories a day, walking 30-40 minutes per day, I’m a large guy - 280lbs starting weight. I was previous eating double if not more previously.

I’m completely motivated, mentally I feel better already and really eager to see some physical results too.

Thank you!

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It seems on average most people don’t really start to see results until about a month in. It took me personally about a month and a half before results were really noticeable. Your body is going through a lot of dietary changes and needs time to adjust. This obviously can vary wildly depending on your starting weight and other factors, but that’s the average.

I’ve seen most people who go up or down in weight in the first couple weeks fall in to two categories: they drink more water and go up a couple pounds in water weight or go down in weight quickly due to reducing bloat/water retention (usually people who completely cut out alcohol or a lot of high sodium foods). Eventually results will stabilize out and get to a more consistent weight loss if you’re restricting your calories appropriately.

All in all, great job and keep at it!


So I started 16:8 IF on June 25th of last year at almost the same starting weight, 279.6 lbs. On July 9th, I was 271.2 or 8.4 lbs lost. Granted a lot of that would have been water/glycogen depleting weight.

I don’t track my calories besides eating more mindfully, and I’ve modified my habits and methods a bit over the months. I try to keep it around 1% body weight a week so it has settled around 2-ish lbs a week.


Commenting so I can follow this thread. I’ve been doing omad 12 days straight with the exception of 18/6 yesterday and I’ve only dropped 3 pounds. Not sure if I have it in me to do alternate day fasting but I might give it a shot.


Great to hear you’re motivated, now it just comes down to doing the right things.

Everyone is different but you should get results basically every week.

If you would like some help with anyting feel free to check out my IG profile at https://www.instagram.com/danielrazfit/

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