| | Water Fasting

has anyone treated Chronic Fatigue with fasting?

Just curious,as I saw Loren Lockman healed himself and also helped alot of ppl with CFS/Me.

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Loren Lockman has been issued cease-and-desist orders for practicing medicine without a license and representing to the public that they were authorized to practice medicine.

>>Lochman was fined $320,000 for seven violations, each of which reflected what had happened to one client. Trader was fined $70,000 for two violations related to two of the clients.

>> Documents in the case indicates that Lockman founded the Tanglewood Wellness Center, which operated first in Bethesda and then in Thurmont, Maryland. In 2005, he fled to Panama and relocated his facility. Lockman employed Trader in 2003 and 2004. The pair advocated a raw food diet and administered water-only fasting for lengthy periods for people whose health conditions were worsened or could have been worsened by such fasting. They also discouraged the use of prescribed medications. Both conducted themselves in a manner that suggested that they were trained health professionals, even though they were not [1].

>> Documents in the case further indicate that Trader referred to himself as a “retired” naturopath. In the fatal case, he advised a 22-year-old woman with insulin-dependent diabetes to stop taking her insulin and undergo a water-only fast. After she became acutely ill with diabetic ketoacidosis, he administered huge amounts of insulin, but she lost consciousness and died soon afterwards. (Insulin alone is not sufficient treatment for diabetic ketoacidosis.) Three other clients appeared to have suffered impairment of their memory as a result of prolonged fasting. Another patient became emaciated and developed beriberi (a severe B-vitamin deficiency) as a result of severe fasting. Two other clients were dissatisfied with their experience and left within a week. One was a man with severe heart disease who could have been heading for disaster as a result of stopping his medications [2].

>> Trader has relocated to California. Recent autobiographical sketches states that he obtained a naturopathy degree from Clayton College and in 1991 got a “Ph.D.” from the Life Science Institute. Clayton College is a nonaccredited correspondence school [3]. The Life Science Institute was a correspondence school that was never accredited or legally authorized to grant degrees. In the mid-1980s, a Texas Court prohibited it from marketing itself as a “college” and from granting academic credits or degrees [4].

This guy does NOT sound like the type of person who should be giving out medical info.


Just a quick one to say I fasted with Loren at Tanglewood Wellness Centre in Costa Rica for 26 days 2 yeara ago, and was suffering significantly with ibs and fatigue at the time, returned home symptom free.

You can check my story here and feel free to drop me a message about it:


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