No idea if everyone else already figured it out and I just missed it? But like, if you take average human they need around 2000 calories a day, possibly more, right? So why on that portion of frozen potatoes I...
If it says: per 1/2 cup, is that referring to half a cup of dried noodles or 1/2 of cooked noodles?
So freaking happy 😁. I'm out of the size 20's today. Whoot whoot!!!! Thank you IF ☺️💓✨💫🌻🙏😁
Are there are any resources for realistic portion sizing? It stands to reason that two people who are very different sizes will have different nutritional needs. Calculating macros isn't something that seems sustainable. If both people are trying to shift...
A friend of mine who works at McDonald's told me they changed the recipe of certain foods after the film was released. Is it true? Edit: I meant the composition of their foods, not the removal of Super Size
I jumped up and down this morning I.AM.SO.EXCITED!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!! I haven’t worn this size since 2014!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!!!!!!! 😃🤩😃🤩😃I even woke my husband up to tell him!!!! I started off in size 16 in July! It’s October!!!
So the brown rice I have in my pantry is 'precooked parboiled long grain brown rice' 1/2 cup dry is 160 calories and 13% DV of carbohydrates. However, when I look it up I get that 1/2 cup of brown...
They're often pretty different when I measure them out. Which one should I trust? Thanks!
[KTC Spinach Puree | Morrisons]( Posted this in the daily questions thread but didn't get any replies! Any idea how many grams one of your 5-a-day of this might weigh? TIA!
So I'm bout mid month 3 into this whole thing. Still working on sticking to a 20/4 schedule. Some days it's more 18/6, others OMAD. I've maintained pretty good consistency during the work week and let myself ball out on...
I just completed a 12 day water fast and I would like to do rolling 72s while I continue to lose weight, as I have about 30 more pounds I would like to lose. I understand rolling 72 means to...
Yesterday, I went to shop for clothes because I just want to be happy and feel good. When I was fitting, I feel so bad because all the clothes and bottoms that I tried look baggy on me. I only...
I'll get some background out of the way first. Water fasted before, 48h max, currently overweight, so plenty of fuel available. Reason for fasting is to reduce calorie consumed during the week and eventually naturally reduce portions I'm eating. I...
For example, according to [Healthline](, 19-30 yo men need 400 mg, and women need 310 mg. So, eg, a 5’ 10 athletic muscular woman has the same requirements as 5’ 0 petite woman, but needs less than, say, a 5’ 5...
E.g. foods like peanut butter.
I have been pretty successful at IF, following a 18:6 or 20:4 routine 6 days out of the week for the past year. I’ve been wanting to complete longer fasts, but I don’t think I’ve made it past 24 hours....
Hello Snake Dieters, Long story short; I gained a ton of weight during the lockdowns. I was working from home, ordering junk food through Uber Eats everyday and barely moving much throughout the course of a day for basically a year...
Seems magical. Using cooking oil to fry an omelet for example is loaded with calories. But cooking spray works just as well and has zero calories. What’s the secret here?
The label says red lentil pasta is 335kcal and 25g protein per 100g, and the chickpea pasta is 364kcal and 21g protein per 100g
Please share anything that has worked for you.
Hypothetically speaking, with my appetite I could quite happily consume 6000 calories in an hour, having done OMAD for a while and was wondering if it would be possible/ inconsequential for long term health to do this consistently at 48...
In some fasting techniques like Eat Stop Eat the instructions tells you to "eat like you regularly do" from time to time depending on the technique. I love eating and my portions are very big and unhealthy. Alot of...
So I’ve recently started IF (16:8) and am fine with it (only missing my milky morning coffee badly). Noticed that I feel better than I usually do first thing in the morning and in general have more energy and focus, which...
I bought a bunch of lunch meat, cheese and bread. I want to make a bunch of sandwiches, then wrap/bag them and freeze them. Is there anything I should know about before doing this so I do not waste food?...
I’ve previously done 16:8 IF and lost 66 lbs (30kg). Recently I’ve slowly put on around 20 lbs and want to lose it again. For a long time I was calorie counting but it’s something I want to move away...
I just ordered a mini donut maker after watching videos of people making cute donuts on YouTube. Does anyone else cope with fasting in a less than ideal way? I’m doing One Meal Every Other Day currently and the late...
Feel good, about 3 days into a 5 day fast (or longer depending on how I feel) and it’s the longest I’ve ever tasted but I feel good. My weight is going down but I’m wondering how many days in...
For example: I’m currently breastfeeding, and I know that my body requires extra calories because of that to be able to produce enough/ quality milk. My husband makes me chicken salad from scratch, but I’m curious how to figure out...
Hello, Wondering what everyone’s favorite protein and/or meal replacement bars are and why?
F,22,5'3 176lbs I had a baby a year ago and I'm at my pre pregnancy weight. I've been breastfeeding this past year and phew it has made me a bottomless pit. I never feel full. I also have PCOS and...
I've been trying to puzzle this one out on my own, and thought I'd just ask. So, large parts of the world, especially the eastern world, eat white rice as a major staple food, probably 2-3 meals a day. The common wisdom...
My industry is a highly social one. Meeting people for meals such as breakfast, lunch and dinner are expected. It's rare to have all three meals schedule in a day but not impossible. I typically eat from 1-2 for lunch...
Hello, I'm gearing up for my first fast (48-72 hours) and I have a question about that first meal after the fast. All the videos I've watched talk about how you should have a small meal at first and then...
Hello all! I am currently on my first 60hr water fast. Do I need to be careful around refeeding with such a short fast? All the information I am finding online seems to address longer fasts. Any guidance is appreciated!...
Is barilla protein pasta actually healthy?
Ever since I started rolling 72s which was almost 2 months ago, I have been feeling weird whenever I eat even if its just an omlette. I get so excited to go back to fasting because I just love how...
Edit: By healthy I mean appropriate for weight loss. Edit 2: it’s not like I’m eating 4 poke bowls a day. I meant if it’s a good balanced meal to have if you’re on an exercise and weight loss plan. So I’ve...
Hello I've been doing my research into Intermittent fasting and I've decided that I would like to start. The problem is I straight up know I'm not going to manage between 12 and 16 hours at first, also I'm not...
I’m female and myself and my male partner have restarted clean IF (only water or black coffee during fast) for 3 weeks. We have eaten the same meals (different portions) and trained more or less the same. He has...
Hey! (f/26/5”6) I’ve been practicing IF for over a month with visible progress. Started at 150 pounds, dropped to 142 in 3 weeks. Problem is that I’ve developed BED as a result of past ED and binged (ate fast food in...
I know rice is only a small part of Japanese food and that idea is precisely a Western bias. Yet we tend to consider rice as a healthy food, heightened by the image Japanese people are seen as healthy and...
I'm interested in starting fasting for weight loss but am a little confused on how it works. Is it no food at all during fast or just liquids/bone broths? Also could this mess up my metabolism at all?
I’m trying to eat dinner only but can’t stop time watching and feeling hungry in the day. What’s everyone’s thoughts on getting through this and powering through until your meal?
What foods am I allowed?
I see advice given for people on strength training programs to eat 150g or more of protein each day, which sounds like a lot. For optimal health, how much protein should the average adult be eating each day, and what are...
I had heard a while back that there are carcinogens in meat cooked at high temperature’s. Now lots of us have the air fryer cooking our food almost daily. Is the air fryer lower temperatures or cooking different? Or are...
What is the best diet for basketball players
I did rolling 72s back in June then took a break for a while. I tried doing 17/8 just to easy back into fasting and I’m struggling to do even that. It’s so weird how I used to be able...
I had baby recently and it's been so so hard to find time to workout. She's been super clingy and I really need advice on how to burn less calories quicker on the treadmill and/or cycle... I'm 5'5 and 212lbs...I've...
I understand that results take time, but I'm getting frustrated with NO results so far. It's been a month, I started at the end of November. Started with 16:8 and recently went to 18:6. Surely I'd see even a pound...
I get most people do well about packing and not having to eat out but what happens if you have to? What are good go to, for lack of a better word, fast food chains, to visit and what could you...
Why are they so focused on being low calorie when for alot of us that was all we got. For freshman year my stepmom was super strict a out us eating when she wasn't home, which was close to...
hello. as the title suggests. I am fully willing to consume the blandest nutrient paste imaginable, as long as it is providing me with the minimum number of calories and other important things for an adult male. Any advice would be...
Whenever a website or picture talks about how much of a food group you should aim to get a day they say it measured in servings or cups. I was wondering how much of each food group you should get...
Hi guys! For the past year I've plateaued at around 215-225, and I only have my daily intake to blame. I started at 300 lbs at the end of 2019 and now my RDI has plunged to barely 2000 kcal a...
Hi all! I’m thinking about giving IF a try for a month or two. I am truly enjoying all of your success stories! Which leads me to two questions: 1. If I want to try this for a short time (1-2...
Has anyone on here fasted and dramatically dropped a ton of weight and kept it off? I need to drop about 1/2 to slightly more of my weight for multiple reasons and I just wanted to see if anyone else...
Wondering what the majority is.
Hello! I'm sorry if this question got asked before! My question for all you experienced troopers out there is, how do you get over your urges? Tl;dr at the bottom ​ I'm on day 1, and already failed because I gave into my...
What resources do you guys use to get your calorie and other nutritional info? Obviously if I'm using packaged food I go off that but I buy a lot of loose ingredients. I need something where I can input basic...
Hiya! I’m new to IF (although it’s very similar to how I ate when I was younger). I started with 18:6 and am doing fine with that time frame, but I usually end up fasting for 20 hours or so because...
Generally just wondering how folks handle cheating. I’ve been consistently 17/7 over the past two weeks but I’m planning to cheat this weekend with some family coming in. Maybe brunch and other meals outside of my normal 12p.m.-7p.m.
Everyday I try and everyday I fail. I don't even know how people do OMAD. I'm gaining weight and feeling like such a loser. I try to eat 2 meals a day separated by 8 hours, then fast for 16...
I hit a slump in my weight loss, yet I do want to lose a bit more. I have been doing 16/8 since last May, went from 160 to 136lbs, and now gained back 5 pounds in the past 3...
Hello! Right now, I am 74hrs dry fasted! And honestly feel much, much better than I expected to feel! Im dry fasting primarily for weight loss but also to heal scars and quite strong skin issues that I’ve had since...
I’m on a diet and I decided to buy zero calorie sweetener and decided to Use a lot of it and then after consuming i decided to read the ingredients and saw that it contained maltodextrin and I searched it up...
Is there a specific calorie level at which a snack should no longer be considered a snack and might as well just count as another meal?
I suppose this should be phrased as "why is 1200 calories considered a minimum, regardless of activity, gender, height and weight". I understand that this would be a substantially low number for a tall active male, however when you start dropping...
- If sugar turns to fat - bad (not sure why but that's almost common knowledge) - If regardless of how much cake you have you don't let yourself get fat, does sugar still affect the system in a bad way? (Leave...
* **Type** of fast (water, juice, smoking, etc.) * **Context** of fast (start, end, day x of y, etc.) * **Length** of fast (8 hours, 3 days, etc.) * **Why?** What you hope to accomplish with your fast * **Notes** How is it going...
I'm new to the weight loss journey and I need help find the right fasting method. I am 320 M 18 YO and I tried the 16:8 but I only stuck with it for a few days then I feel...
Hi everyone, I love seeing everyone's progress pics and was hopeful that IF could work for me over counting calories, which is crazy making for me. I'm a 45f, 5'7" and 130lbs. Just looking to lose about 5lbs to...
When I think about (for instance) French vs Indian culinary traditions, traditional Indian food seems a lot 'healthier' in general than traditional French dishes. Is that a distinction/classification we can make fairly or is my view on these countries' traditions...
Normally do 20-4 or OMAD, never done more than a 25 hour fast.
This is not a complaint, as I'm overweight and need to lose weight. Been doing OMAD for about three weeks now. Each day gets progressively easier to last the 22hours between meals (I have a 2 hour eating window). Before,...
I've being practicing IF for a couple of years, about 4-5 days a week OMAD and 2-3 days two meals a day (mostly when I have the kids; easier that way). I've been able to manage my weight and I...
Hi, i am new to intermittent fasting and wanting to get an idea of how to go about making a start with this and trying to make it last until i reach my target weight. I am 33, weigh just...
I did a 60 something hour fast and ate a lot today. -two patty cheeseburger from 5 guys with veggies, ketchup, and Mayo -cauliflower/potato dish (a bit spicy) -spinach and cheese (a bit spicy) -creamy chicken with some heavy cream -a few nuts -a...
Before a month ago, I hadn't gone a day in my life without eating within a 24 hour window. I've been doing rolling 24s/36s/48s/72s, and I'm seeing great results. I've decided to be open and talk about it with co-workers...
Morning all. I need some help. I'm Male 6ft 4in - 26 stone (364lbs) and been using fasting to try and shift some weight. I do OMAD Monday to Friday. I'll have a fasting salts drink once a day on...
I'm a college student who just started living on my own this past year and figuring out what food to get at the store and what meals to make is becoming exhausting. I have a couple easy meals, but I'm...
How long do you give each meal? Do you try to eat around the same time everyday? Do you eat larger or normal size meals? Did you work up to it. such as 18/6 to 20/4 to OMAD? What time of day works...
Is eating raw oats, logically speaking, supposed to make you feel fuller? Because if it's cooked it'll be more easily digestible as opposed to raw. If you eat, say, a half cup of oats ,raw,and used an equivalent half cup...
I’m a 36yo 5’3 mother of 2 with CW of 128 and a vanity goal weight of 115. I’ve been doing 16:8 with three small meals and one snack for awhile. I recently started eating super mindfully (sitting down, taking...
Hi everyone, Sorry if I’m about to post a very repetitive question or my sentiment is negative at all. But maybe someone can offer insight. I’ve been fasting for 19 days. I do roughy 19/5. ...
After doing IF for 3 months, 16:8, I would like to quit IF. In these months, I haven't lost any weight at all, but fortunately haven't gained any either. Are there any particular things I should know before stopping? I would...
When you began your journey with fasting did you eat your regular diet, just only during the time alloted or did you eat healthier? What about exercise? Did you try and bump up what you had been doing?
I see these posts all the time in this sub, and I've been victim to it myself: "I stopped IF and gained back some/all of the weight" For many of us, IF is easier than changing food habits we've had for a...
If I where to cook my own ground beef, and add it to a tortilla I bought at the store, and sprinkled on some cheese. How would it be any healthier than a taco at taco bell for example. Or...
I’m IF because I snack a lot, so it’s more giving me discipline on when to eat and when not to. That said, I’m not changing up what I eat during the open window - just eating less of it. Despite...