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How are you determining your specific goal weight?

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It is all about how you feel:-Are you self-conscious being over a certain number? E.g. getting under 200lbs or 100kg-Is there a time you really felt good about how you looked, how much did you weight then? -Maybe you have put on “x” weight since the pandemic and just want to get back to pre-Covid weight?-If you are more analytical, Google search the ideal weight for your sex and height.

That being said, the most important thing is eating in a way that feels good and is sustainable. It is fine for that to be the goal and the weight will follow.


I weighed 120 pounds steadily from my teens until my late 20s, so I know it’s a weight my body can do. It’s also right in the middle of the “normal BMI” weight range for my height (5’4”), so it’s not unhealthily low.


I’m also struggling with this question. I was 140ish at my fittest and I’d like to get down to that window. That said, you do gain some natural weight every decade, and I might need to weigh a bit more now to have the energy I need. I’d be very happy with 145, and I’ll see how I feel then.


So from a few previously failed weight loss attempts I had a number that I thought was ‘reasonable’ and seemed impossibly low. Then I passed it.

After that I was planning to just touch the top of healthy range for my height, but realized that I might as well go for something a little more in the middle and that getting to 100 lbs lost from when I started IF, though I’ve surpassed that from my highest, sounded appealing from just monkey brain round number.

But I was always planning to hit whatever my goal was and then start coming back in with muscle more seriously. So I don’t have a specific number really.


I tend to naturally be muscular/build muscle and a simple BMI has effed with my mindset/image, so I am only using weight as a reference point, not a goal. I have a goal set with additional measurements where I tend to store fat (waist, arm, thighs…overall fat percentages), and will start incorporating weight lifting goals when I get closer to these goal measurements. For now, I am focused on nutrition in my window and doing something active daily. I concur with the other people that said i dont want to jiggle and I want to look as sexy/healthy as i feel.


I put on weight over the past couple of years, so I’m really just trying to lose that. Where I feel the best and like the way I look is a couple kilos above my “ideal weight” per bmi scale, but still in the green. I’m F41, 169cms, currently 75kgs on my way back to 66kgs after getting to 77kgs. I think bmi is a good way to pick a number to aim for, but I wouldn’t put all my stock in it.


When skin starts to get flappy lol

Idk I wanted to reach 80kg (176lbs I think) but too little fat may leave me with too much loose skin :/

I want to see if I’m comfortable at around 90kg (198lbs) or have to keep going down

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