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How often do you eat red meat?

I believe the recommended amount is once a week or 4x/month but I’m just curious the amount people actually eat.

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I consume red meat multiple times per week. But you shouldn’t base your diet on any one food item, rather you should judge the sum of the diet combined.

There are people who eat red meat multiple times per day who are perfectly healthy. There are vegans who are perfectly healthy. And there’s everyone in between. Find what works best for you, and do that. Try not to overthink it too much.


Read how not it die. It is highly evidence based and speaks to the inadvertent harms of consuming meat to your health. I am trying to cut out all meat because of the evidence reported in the book. Fully acknowledge that there are differing opinions on this topic though and everyone has their own opinions on the matter.


I usually eat lean meats like chicken and turkey aswell as fish like salmon and cod. Occasionally ill have lean red meat around once every 2 weeks but sometimes a more or less often than that. In moderation red meat, especially lean red meat, won’t do you any harm as it is dense in protein and nutrients. I’d personally opt for skinless poultry and fish as it provides similar benefits while being much lower in saturated fat and typically higher in omega 3


Once a week because of a random burger.

Red Meat just doesn’t do it for my taste buds. Unless there is a lot of fat on it.

Also, I get so full off a steak or something. And it just sits in my stomach, Trudges through my intestines, and to slow bowel movements.

My body just doesn’t break it down like chicken or pork.

I forgot i do eat ground beef with my pastas and other dishes. So maybe a bit more often.


Most days. Mainly try to focus on game meat.

I can’t believe that I use to buy the “red meat causes colon cancer” “dietary cholesterol is lethal” and all that bunk.

Meanwhile, every study you see seems to be talking about processed meat. Not to mention pairing processed beef from McDonalds with fresh meat?

That or it’s Dr. Greger type nonsense lies… who looks like he aged like mould.


A few times a year tops, when my partner or I use her lasagna recipe.

Lean red meat is great for you. It doesn’t agree with my digestive system and I don’t enjoy the taste or texture. I don’t like meat much at all bar seafood however I tolerate chicken.


1-2 times a day, every single day.

Red meat is one of the most nutrient dense, high quality and bioavailable source of protein you could eat, and anyone who tells you otherwise is likely relying on very poor quality science to do so.

Additionally, most of the claims that red meat should be avoided or eaten sparingly, have been shown as aggressively overstated or altogether debunked.

See below as one example of this:

>”In a new, unprecedented effort, scientists at the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) scrutinized decades of research on red meat consumption and its links to various health outcomes, formulating a new rating system to communicate health risks in the process. Their findings mostly dispel any concerns about eating red meat.

>“We found weak evidence of association between unprocessed red meat consumption and colorectal cancer, breast cancer, type 2 diabetes and ischemic heart disease. Moreover, we found no evidence of an association between unprocessed red meat and ischemic stroke or hemorrhagic stroke,” they summarized.


Edit: This getting downvoted without any comment containing even a shred of actual credible science is exactly the point… To each their own I guess.


Most of my life, it was several times a week. About ten years ago, I kind of lost interest in it and only ate it a few times a year since then. In the past year I’ve been craving it some so I’m up to about once or twice a month.

It was interesting because it wasn’t a deliberate or conscious decision on my part to mostly stop eating it, it just kind of happened. I always have, and always will, really love a good steak once in a while but not nearly as often as I used to.


Depends on my body. Sometimes I eat red meat on a daily basis for a week or two. Sometimes I don’t touch it for a week or two. Right now I eat it about 1 or 2 times a week. Just listen to your body and sense what it’s craving for.


Honestly once a week at most. I’ve actively been trying to eat it less because of health reasons, but also because of cost - it’s SO expensive to buy meat these days. Rice and beans are now my primary protein source because I can’t afford meat every day 😅


This is purely anecdotal but just for discussions sake.. I experimented by eating steak everyday for lunch (about 4 oz) for a week - it made me feel like crap. My body is incredibly sensitive to what I put into it. Over the holidays I felt like sludge because of all the cookies and treats. I find that I feel better on a plant based diet and I’m careful to make sure I’m getting the appropriate amount of nutrients and protein.

So I don’t think it really comes down to “should I eat meat or not eat meat?” But rather how does it make you feel and are you getting the appropriate amount of calories and nutrients as a whole. In my opinion, red meat has nothing to offer me (except being yummy) that I can’t get elsewhere.

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