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I'm in a weight loss challenge at work and need tips!

Hey all I have had a lot of success with IF and it has become my go to for dropping weight when needed. I prefer the 16/8 method. Unfortunately my work schedule basically mandates it and my body has gotten used to it and I’m actually gaining weight but that could have been the holidays too. Starting this week I have done 4 days of 20/4 but it feels unsustainable. I’m at 143 lbs 5’4 . Trying do drop 10-11 in a month (with light daily exercise). Any suggestions ? Is there a preferred pattern like every other day or 2 on 2 off etc?

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Zero carbs, and don’t put time constraints on when your body needs to lose weight by. Any type of rapid weight loss that isn’t just the initial water weight is almost always unhealthy, unsustainable weight loss that is coming from your lean body mass and your fat, instead of just your fat. You do not want to lose lean body mass - it’s your muscles and bones, and, ironically, it is a big part of your metabolism, so if you start losing it by restricting your calories in a crazy way, then your metabolism slows down, which will require you to restrict calories even more to continue your weight loss. You know, starvation!

Just eat as close to zero carbs per day as you can get, and eat a lot of protein - a lot. 100g every day. Add in whatever healthy fats you need to supplement the protein. Get your exercise in, but don’t freak about it. It’ll take however long it takes to lose your fat. Any attempts at rushing it are unhealthy and unsustainable, and will almost certainly cause you to gain it all back once this “challenge” is over.


Low carb works and you will lose weight fast. Also try doing your light exercise while you are late into the fasted state. This will further force your body to dive more into your fat stores for energy.

Edit: Also, what seems to work for others is to change it up. I’d you are doing 16:8, try throwing OMAD for a day or two during the week. Or even an alternate day fast. This breaks up the “pattern” and sometimes can help overcome any plateau in your weight loss.


Like me, you are fairly light as it stands and your metabolism may not adapt to 20/4. I have only gotten to 20/4 a few days and I’ve been doing IF for 7 months (SW 180 / CW 164 / GW 162). Try backing off to 18/6 if you want to stretch from 16/8.

Also, 5’4” and 143 lbs is not unhealthy. You may, or may not look exactly as you wish, but listen to your body if it’s screaming EAT!

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