| | Water Fasting

I'm starting, finally

42m, Canada. I’m disabled, I have mental health issues, autism, two kids and a chronically ill wife. I’m over 150kg, I have to be, and I quit vaping and put on I don’t even know how much weight.

The current issues haven’t helped with me getting out and active, either. I need to change things so that I’m there in twenty years for my kids. I’m starting with the Zero app. I don’t have the courage to post a picture yet, but I’m taking some before pics later on (for posts in future when I’ve made some improvements).

I’ve heard the terms dirty fasting, and unfortunately that’s going to have to be the case sometimes. Coffee before the end of fast is non-negotiable at this point. I’ll try to start skipping my oat milk though.

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Great you’re making those first step!

Coffee is usually part of a clean fast if you can skip the oatmilk. I sip some black coffee, and as soon as my eating window starts, I add my oatmilk.

You have a lot on your plate, so ease into it and make small changes.


I’m 41, USA, female, disabled, mental health issues, 4 kids, 260lbs, and happily married. I’m new to intermittent fasting (one week) and using the zero app. I’m always here if you want to chat. So far I’m really happy with it and my belly went from hard fat to squishy fat 😂


Well done for making the decision! I am so sorry to hear that you’re struggling at the moment. If you don’t want to post a photo, you don’t have to. I am pretty sure we all “dirty fast” at times. We are shift workers and time was that tight we ended up getting Chinese takeout 2 nights ago and we’ve demolished that 2 days in a row. It’s ok- everyone does it. As for the coffee- I am a coffee fiend and learnt to love black coffee. I always had oat milk or almond milk but I just have that when I’m in my eating window.Other awesome people here have already mentioned but take things slow. Lots of little changes add up. Weight loss might be slow and that’s ok. Sometimes the scale might go up- that’s ok also as our weight fluctuates.

Just know you’ve got thousands of awesome people here cheering you on and we are all here to support you! You’ve just made your first step 😎🤟🏻😊💪🏻

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