| | Water Fasting

NO SERIOUSLY, I’m starting a 40 Day Water Fast!

So the most I have actually gone was 5 days but I truly cannot think of anything that I am craving anymore and oddly enough, being keto generally, I will usually crave MEAT during the initial days of the water fast. I promise that I will update at the very least once a week with a weigh-in and waist measurement!

CW: 210.2–BF%: 43%—Waist: 41 in.—40F—5’4” GW: 138–GBF%: Under 25%—Waist: Under 35 in.

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Down 5.2 lbs already, yes I know it’s water weight given my body fat % went up 1% but considering my AF hit yesterday, I didn’t expect so much weight loss since water retention is normal during that time.

FAIL—AF kicked up my junk craving so restart after 36 hours water fast. Back to Day 1.


I’m now entering Day 6 and am down 10.8 lbs.—197.6-43.5%—Still no change in my body fat %!! I’m getting frustrated! First time sticking to it on a Friday, though I think my working overtime played a role in that!


CW: 206.4BF%: 42%Waist: 41 in.

Not much change but still not getting to Day 6 though pretty close at 5 Days and 21 hours. Back to Day 1 with an end goal towards the end of August. I still have the goal in mind of 40 days and 138 lbs. I retook my “BEFORE” pictures and measurements.


Just wanted to do an update: I did FINALLY start my 40 days of water fasting on 8/26 and am currently on Day 12. I have lost 17.8 lbs and 4.5 in. off my waist! I had to adjust my electrolytes on Day 11 but otherwise been feeling pretty good! STAYIN STRONG!


I’m currently at 2 days 18 hours and about 20 minutes. My energy is through the roof and my mental clarity is on fire. I’m down already 6.6 lbs since starting, which is my general average of 2.2 lbs a day when I do water fasts. It is water weight currently though since my body fat percentage hasn’t really changed per my body fat scale. I’m taking a half a tablespoon of coconut oil and then my vitamins and supplements. I’m also using various essential oils topically on my hair to try and reduce the amount of hair loss.

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Categories: 40 day water fast keto meat water fast body fat weight loss water fasting electrolytes energy oil vitamin