| | Water Fasting

I’m in need of a lot of support here guys.

So I’m getting back into my daily fasting regimen because I’ve now outgrown the clothes I bought after my last successful fat loss fasting routine. I’ve completely forgotten what my process or routine was (if I even had one to begin with). Im focusing suuuuper hard on my goal to fit very well in the clothes I bought before the pandemic so much so I will be saying/shouting the goal at the top of my lungs every time I feel a craving. My fiancé doesn’t support my fasting because she thinks it’s unhealthy and I live with her and my in-laws where they are a carb heavy and snack friendly family. I have a lot of cravings and have been easy to succumb to them but I’m done feeling sluggish, guilty and above all not confident in my body and the way I look. I know there may be some deep seeded psychological issues going on there but I tell ya, I didn’t have these issues when I lost over 50 lbs. I felt alive! I want that back! Anyways, looking for anyones support while I go back down the fat loss fasting road. Any tips, tricks you may have to keep the mind focused on the goal, cut cravings and stay the course are much appreciated and welcomed!

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The first thing you need to do is have a discussion with your Fiance. If she isn’t on board you’re really not in a great position to succeed. You don’t need someone undermining you, weightloss is hard enough.

Second, ease into it. Perhaps after the holidays. Start with 16/8. Basically skip breakfast. Then take it from there.

>where they are a carb heavy and snack friendly family

I would start by eating what they eat at least at first if everyone is eating dinner together. And don’t eat snacks as a rule.


It’s gonna be hard fasting while living with family, especially if they aren’t on board. So I would first try and get your fiance on board and to maybe join you. It’s just easier to do things together. Then I’d try one of the lighter fasting approaches. So first you’ll need to clean up your diet, meaning less snacking and healthier, less processed meals. Then decide between ADF, 5:2, or OMAD, or maybe just experiment and try each one out for a few weeks.

But to be honest, your fiance is supposed to be your support. I’m sorry to be getting into relationship advice here of all places, but if she and her family aren’t supportive, then maybe you ought to reconsider joining such a family. Not trying to suggest anything really, just putting the thought out there.


i too am trying fasting while living with fiancé that doesn’t care. he does support me but won’t participate. it is way harder to do alone. sending good vibes and thoughts your way and hope you stay motivated to do what makes you feel more like you!


I would just read a few books on fasting like “the complete guide to fasting” or “eat fast feast”

that way you can answer all the objections to the naysayers

going on reddit fasting, and checking out fasting youtube videos helps me stay or listening to a book on fasting through audible is how I keep myself motivated when I need encouragement

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