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Intermittent fasting has made me realize how tired I get when I eat. Anyone know why?

Background: I have fibromyalgia and ADHD and currently I have 33% body fat as a female ( I would’ve never guessed bc I’m skinny fat but those are my accurate dexa scan results) I’m realizing I get so freaking fatigued when I eat.. like if i intermittent fast in the morning I feel so energized and happy but then today I ate breakfast I have such a terrible fatigued feeling after eating. Idk if this is because I’m high body fat percentage? Maybe it is? Lol I need to lose weight but I kept yo-yo dieting due to past injuries

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I don’t know the science behind it, but I feel the same if I eat too many carbs. I’ve been IF and eating keto for over two years and quickly noticed how much more energy I have when eating clean, but if I eat carbs that don’t come from veggies or nuts, then I feel tired and lazy. What does your diet look like?


I do OMAD every day. My resting heart rate is in the low to mid 50s before eating. But my heart rate goes into the 70s within minutes of starting to eat. And even into the low 80s a few minutes later. I’ll be in the 70s/60s most of the evening watching TV. Overnight it will return to the 50s.

Digestion is definitely using a lot of energy. It’s like running the dryer in your house! You can watch the enteric meter spin! Could definitely affect your energy level get other things.


For as long as I can remember, my reaction to food/eating an entire meal has been exhauastion to the point of me not being able to stay awake after lunch or dinner, no matter what I ate. I’ve had to take naps every day.

This has led to a difficult relationship with food and late night binging. I’ve been doing IF for a week now and I’m amazed at how much energy I have, especially in the mornings before breaking my fast at noon. I finally feel I’ve found the answer to my problems with eating and feeling extremely fatigued afterwards.


Blood diverts to your digestive system to feed all the activity there, so you get a rest / relax effect.

It sounds like your response is a bit more noticeable than most.

Might be worth playing around with relative amounts of carbs, I’m pretty sensitive to carbs (especially sugar) and changes in blood sugar levels.

Or it might be about quantity and speed of digestion? Interesting.


I am following this, because I have experienced the SAME THING!! Carbs or no.

When I fast, so energized. When I eat, I get this sort of fog within an hour of eating, where I feel fatigued. I’m not sure if it’s because the body goes out of survival mode or the adrenal glands go to relax since we’re no longer in a heightened mode of trying to find food.


I always heard that if you get tired when you eat, it’s a sign you ate a little bit too much. Next time pay attention to how many bites you had, and try eating 3 less at a time until it gives you energy instead of tires you.

IME it can be difficult to pay this much attention if you’re in the habit of eating for pleasure or to escape stress though.


Eating a SAD requires over a gallon of water from your body to process it, and uses about 35% of your energy. Eating a more vegetarian leaning diet requires much less water and energy to process the food.

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Categories: intermittent fasting body fat intermittent morning lose weight yo-yo carbs keto energy omad heart evening digest lunch dinner binging sugar blood sugar tea habit stress