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Is there any benefit to cheat days?

I’ve been intermittent fasting for about 2 weeks. 16:8.

I’m trying to lose some belly fat while simultaneously build muscle. I lift three days a week, and do three 40-minute HIIT cardio sessions a week.

Is there any benefit to having a cheat day once a week? I haven’t been doing any cheat days, but a coworker who fasts mentioned it’s okay (whatever okay means).

Is there any actual benefit to having a cheat day, for my specific goals? I feel like it wouldn’t actually benefit me other than letting me relax a day out of the week, and I feel like it would just make it harder to get used to the routine.

Am I missing something? Is there a benefit for my specific goals?

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If the ‘cheat’ is important to you or planned ahead of time, go for it. No regrets.

Otherwise, if there’s foods you really want, then try make them part of your diet/IF plan.

I really feel that these weekly cheat days just reinforce the habits that got you overweight in the first place. And when you reach your goal, it’ll be easier to back to your old ‘normal’ way of eating and it’ll be easier for you to gain the weight back.


Not being miserable all the time. If the French can enjoy bread and the Italians pasta on a daily basis, and still be gorgeous and thin, why can’t I? (Perhaps this part is exaggerated, but honestly, eating pasta or cake once in a while for me in a little bit of joy) Then again, perhaps some ppl have different definitions of “cheat days”. I’ve heard cheat meals are better than cheat days.


Being in a caloric deficit is stressful on your body. So is having a regular exercise routine. Taking a break from those helps reduce cortisone levels and lets your body recover if it needs to. A few days every few weeks is all you need to refresh a bit, though. Just be flexible with yourself and let your schedule dig into your routine sometimes. Once per week isn’t necessarily detrimental, but personally it’s too often for me.


For many, the idea of a cheat day backfires big time. You look forward to it the whole week, which makes you think about it and food in general a lot more, and thats counterproductive af. I’d prefer a sustainable approach which you could run a long time without any interventions or special tactics.


I think the benefit people see from having cheat days is really just because they increased their calories. Not because they ate junk food. You can try increasing your calories for a day with good food you enjoy that is also nourishing to your body.

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