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Is there anything good about juice?

Okay so we know blending or squeezing some fresh fruit is gonna be crazy healthy as long as no parasites or viruses or some weird stuff lol

but with 100% juice but from concentrate and how all this stuff is heated to super high temperatures to be safe (pasteurized)

Does this stuff have any antioxidants, any phytochemicals, any natural vitamins and minerals in it or is it all just like how they have to add vitamin c after?

Just wondering if there is anything good about this stuff at all?

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Juice loses the Vitamin C from pasteurization (then added back artificially) but would still have antioxidants. But as you acknowledge in your post, I think we all agree it’s better to blend the whole fruit and drink that instead.


Treat it like a soda. If you like it enough to drink it besides the impact the calories have on you then do so. It’s just the bi product of decades of lobbying by the farming industry to make us believe their waste products are healthy. I mean do you know exactly how much fruit is unsaleable because of appearance but can be used for juice? You didn’t think they were going to leave money on the table did you? 😂


I would say take it knowing you’re doing it because you enjoy it, not because of its properties. Even if you blend it yourself and drink it right away, all the fiber is gone, and sugars are absorbed more easily. (Sorry)


Fruit juice is healthy and has vitamins, even the one from concentrate. It has less fiber than fruit, but not zero. The sugar is the same as in a fruit.

So it is generally healthy. Much more healthy than a dessert.

If you drink juices more than 2, 3 cups daily, you will increase the sugar and calories intake which might not be good, if you are not exercising.

You will not feel full though from a juice as much as from eating the whole fruit.


>Okay so we know blending or squeezing some fresh fruit is gonna be crazy healthy

How do you figure that?

Just because a little bit of something is good for you doesn’t mean a lot of it is. Juice is a heavily processed food.

Any time you take a volume of something you would struggle to consume in whole food form and put it into an easily consumable form, there is going to be a potential downside to consumption.


Juices are great as ingredients in smoothies. My favorite smoothie is hemp protein powder, frozen mango, pineapple juice and coconut milk. Ends up green from the hemp powder but tastes like a tropical cocktail.

Bf does a vanilla protein powder with banana and OJ every morning that tastes like an orange Julius.

Also and citrus juice is a great meat marinade as the acidity breaks down the meat and makes it more tender and delicious. Al pastor is a great example; it uses pineapple juice.


Yes and no, fruits can have lots of sugar, for example orange juice will take 5 oranges to make (or even more),would you eat that amount of oranges?

My nutritionist recommended me to have a cup of fruit (or the equivalent) each meal, if I want I could add that amount in a juice, but also add some other stuff like spinach and celery, even tomato (this recommendation was based on my body and my goal which was reducing sugars)

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