| | Water Fasting

Just discovered this /r and wanted to share. Thanks!

Sort of accidentally fasting. I’ve been doing keto/IF for just over a week now, but reading all the fasting posts and watching a lot of Dr Jason Fung has re-ignited my interest in doing some actual fasting, so last night I stopped eating about 9pm and just kept going. I don’t usually eat after 8pm, so I’ll probably continue this at least until tomorrow afternoon - when I start eating again at 2:30/3pm. I’ve been drinking water, I took my daily supplements - magnesium/potassium (Otherwise on keto I get terrible calf cramps) water and a cup of tea with 1T heavy cream in it. I’ve felt pretty good all day except for a few moments when I was a little slightly nauseated, so I lay down with my legs up, and it passed by. I’m doing this (Keto/IF) because I want to lose weight and I want to help ensure my body is as healthy as possible. I started Keto 4.5 years ago and lost 27 lbs before I stopped, never reaching my goal of ~140. Over the last 4.5 years gained 14 of those back, and just recently everything (mostly my ability to stick to it!) fell into place to do this again, and this time it all feels pretty good & natural.

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Great to have you! I spend most of my time on the regular fasting sub. I’m 38f and approaching my goal weight, but fasting makes me feel so great I hope to find a way to incorporate it AND maintain weight permanently!

As you are coming from a keto background, you already know about supplementing electrolytes. As you’ve discovered, you need more when fasting. I resisted snake juice for several fasts, but now do a modified version of it for any fast longer than omad. If you take potassium pills, please consider using bulk powder or crushing the tablets. You may already know this, it’s worth repeating - - you don’t want potassium tablets slowly dissolving on your stomach lining with no food!

I know some people do ketoade while fasting. Haven’t tried it, but if you have a good recipe, please share it 😊


I felt so good today, I decided to continue fasting. Kept up with the electrolytes - took Magnesium & potassium twice today instead of just once to make sure i had enough, and added a little mio to my water. My body is reacting a little differently than the last time i just did Keto - as in, I’m losing weight in places I didn’t expect (my chin & thighs most noticeably) and less so in my stomach. At least the skin there feels and looks a little tighter than before.


So I’m still fasting. It’s Day 3 and I feel great. I’m trying to decide how much longer or further I want to go. I have a Keto Cream of Mushroom soup recipe up on my computer which is kind of tantalizing me - I think I’ll add some cooked/shredded chicken to it when I make it. In the mean time, I don’t feel hungry, and so probably won’t eat til maybe tomorrow.


Day 4 - yesterday I thought maybe 3 days was enough, and went to the grocery store to pick up what I needed to make that cream of mushroom soup, and then didn’t make it. When I was just doing Keto and IF, I’d definitely get hunger pangs, and would have some salt and water and distract myself for 20 minutes to get over it, but with fasting, I just feel fine. When I was calculating how long it had been, I saw I was almost at 90 hours, and I thought, well, why not go for 100, which, of course, will put me at 1 am, and I’ll be sleeping them, so.. I guess i’ll keep going for longer.


I ended up being up at 1 am and breaking my fast with some cashews. Went 100 hours, totally.. not quite accidentally, but unexpectedly. One thing which is interesting for me - the last time I was this weight, my stomach felt very different and flatter - this time it’s other parts of my body which feel smaller/tighter. Generally when I lose weight I can’t tell the difference in my body except for my wristbones, until I lose 20lbs, so I’m going to just keep plugging awayToday I’m back to Keto, and looking forward to that. I’ll make that soup for a late afternoon meal, then am heading to sashimi with friends for dinner. Fasting definitely accelerated my weight loss - I lost approx 5.2lbs in the last 4 days while fasting (1.3lb/day), and 7llb in the 13 days prior (.54lb/day). This has all been very inspiring to me to help get my body in shape and to be healthier. Thanks for reading, I think I”m done here for now ;)

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